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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Comments On Water Rates From Department Chairman

I just wanted to comment on your article about water rates.
The Lisbon Town Council does not set the water rates for the Town of Lisbon.  This is the responsibility of the  Lisbon Water Board and an increase in water rates has been asked for.   The increased should be around $2.00 to $3.00 per month per meter.  There will be a public hearing on the request on May 5 at 7:00.   All increases in water rates must go through the Maine Public Utilities Commission and if approved the new rates would go into effect sometime later this year.  The public has the right to file a petition to object and to demand additional hearings which could hold up the rate increase until the end of the year.   The last increase in for the Lisbon Water Department did have such a petition filed and cost the department and additional $60,000.00 in fees and charges.
Out of 144 water companies Lisbon is the 9th from the bottom.  The information is available on the Maine Public Water Utilities web site.   I know full well that the Lisbon Water Department is not without its problems, but I do feel that the Lisbon Water Department does a fine job at managing its finances.  Yes, always room for improvement.
If the Route 9 Upland Road project is to continue the water rates must go up.  I presented these facts to the town council well before the town citizens voted for the bond issues.
I remain open to comments from the citizens of the Town of Lisbon.
Bill Bauer, Chairman Lisbon Water Board
353-3020 water office
353-2780 home