an increasingly technological world, the arts help all students to
multiple capabilities for creating, understanding, deciphering, and
appreciating an image and symbol – laden world. The arts are
concerned with intellectual, emotional and physical faculties and, in
functional and expressive works. Experiencing and creating art brings
lifelong enjoyment to students and an array of expressive, analytical,
developmental tools to use in their daily lives.”
--State of Maine Learning Results
and Art Teachers at Lisbon High School are busy planning their annual
Art Show
to be held at the school on Tuesday, May 4. The event is free to the
The art show will be held in the Lisbon High School library from 2:15 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided by SAAFE (Students Achieving A Functional Education), LHS Cafeteria Staff, Foods Class, and Art students. The art students really look forward to this opportunity to show the results of their creative efforts. The art show is FREE and open to the public.
Over 300 people attended the opening last year and we’re excited as we prepare for this year’s show. FMI contact Art Teachers Pamela Ouellette at pouellette@lisbonschoolsme.org or Jennifer Fox at jfox@lisbonschoolsme.org or call 353-3030.