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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Town Report‏

I urge every taxpayer in the Town of Lisbon to stop by the Lisbon Town 
Office and pick up a copy of the
2009 Town Report, and see how your tax dollars are being spent. You will be 
amazed at the salaries of some town officials.

Next, go to, click on "town budget" and REALLY see how your tax 
dollars are being spent.

I was disappointed at last nights joint Town Council/School Department 
meeting when TC Chair Mike Bowie refused to have Town Manager
present the complete town budget. That would have enabled those who do not 
have computers to see the budget in it's entirety on TV.

Mr. Bowie's explanation was that we had 2 public hearings on the town budget 
and no one showed up. The budget presented at the
public hearings was a farce at best. It was not complete, did not really 
show how monies are being spent. The attendance at the Tuesday
May 25th meeting was great, many were there, so why not present the budget?
It's like they do not want you, Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer,
to know where your hard-earned money goes.
A perfect example of Town of Lisbon at it's best?, or worst?
I have publicly commended Superintendent of Schools Richard Green and the 
School committee on bringing to voters a workable budget
with a minimum tax increase. 
My concern, and I have mentioned this several times, is the step increases given to teachers.
 Students and parents alike are concerned that teaching positions are being 
cut. But did you know that one third of all teachers receive a "step increase" in pay each year?

Could any teaching positions be saved if this was phased out? What is the 
percentage of the step increase this year? Last year? This step
increase is over and above the 1.75% pay increase in the 2010/2011 budget.
The "step increases" came into being many years ago when
Town of Lisbon teachers salaries were low. Pick up a copy of the 2009 Town 
Report and see for yourselves what our teachers are being paid now.
Many receive $70,000 per year! I know, I'm going to get a lot of flack over 
this, but you can't have it both ways folks!
Pick up your copy of the Town Report, and read it.
Go to and read the 2010-11 budget, department by department, 
line by line.
Be an informed citizen.

Dot Fitzgerald
A Lisbon Concerned Citizen