Latest Hard Metal Pricng

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hang In There Friday's Coming -Shake Your Tail Feather

Shake your Tail Feather!

Frostie can dance the socks off any bird on this planet! If he can't make you laugh, nothing can!

Frostie is a 21-year-old Bare-Eyed Cockatoo, otherwise known as a Little Corella, a parrot native to Australia.

This video was aired on NDTV: India, CNN, KHSL TV Channel 12, E! The Soup, Al Jezeera, FOX News, Ellen and Good Morning America (GMA)! Video of the day on MSN and Yahoo! As seen on TV in India, China, Chile, France, England, Germany, USA and Bangledesh! Featured in the Paradise Post and Contra Costa Times. (Video by Karla K. Larsson, Magalia - Paradise, CA on February 1, 2009.)