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Monday, June 28, 2010

Lisbon Trail Project Public Meeting Update

The public meeting to see the presentation by the engineers from Woodard & Curran, and provide them with feedback, took place 6/22, to a good public attendance. The presentation simulated the highlights of the trail route and the audience gave positive feedback. The discussion of the original route along the riverfront was dismissed by the project engineer because it would cost $100,000 for DEP permit fees. Questions related to the fact that their route adds an extra 10% of length to the $1,600,000 project, went unanswered. That $160,000 and the $200,000 bridge over the gully and the cost for the 300' ramp (which will exceed the maximum 8% grade) would be better spent elsewhere.
They agreed that the riverfront route would be a greater attraction, but will not be considered unless there is strong public demand to do so. They recommended that people walk the route and provide feedback. There will be installing stakes in July to mark the route. A website with pictures showing the two routes side by side is available at . The riverfront is the left picture and the Davis Street route is on the right. The options are exlained in LR post on 6/22.
Comments should be submitted to the Town Manager and Town Council.
Steve Warren