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Friday, June 4, 2010

School Budget to be Voted on Tuesday

 By Todd Comber

On June 8th Lisbon voters will be deciding if they agree with the School Budget or not.  The question is will people come out to vote or will the apathy continue?

After two Public budget presentations where, in reality less then 20 citizens attended, the majority of attendees were employees.

Were these scheduled during the week on purpose?  Years past there was one during the week and one on Saturday. But oh no, not this year.  Good Job Chairman Town Councilor Mike Bowie, not.

We know Lisbon voters do come out to vote when they want to.

For the School budget presentation click here.
Budget Overview 
This 2010-2011 proposed budget includes $1,105,270 in
reductions from our original proposal. There is an overall
budget decrease of -2.22% from last years budget. 
These reductions will result in the potential loss of over
30 positions K-12. 
The School Committee is asking the Lisbon Citizens to
raise $262,598 additional dollars locally so that we can continue to offer the existing programs that we currently
have and not reduce any additional staff.
Given the issues inherited by first year superintendent, Rick Green, he is to be commended for an excellent budget presentation.  Nothing hidden, no surprises, complete and informative handouts were provided.  Can't say that about the Town of Lisbon's Budget though, for the third year in a row, it is a joke.  

And as for the previous school Superintendent, well, let me just say this: Remember Dr. Welsh didn't even know that trees were being cut down behind Sugg Middle School, then we were all surprised by the fact that the high school building was not up to standards.

Yes the Total school budget is $13.8 million dollars, with revenue shortages and the State of Maine not funding the commitment they made, Lisbon Taxpayer's share is $5.1 million.
– Proposed Local Contribution $5,177,171
– Total General Budget $13,896,342

Where does the future success of Our community, State and Nation look for people with fresh and bright ideas?  Where does our military get its great people?  Where do you send your children, your grand children to learn and prosper?  

Where?  To School.    Whether public or private.   So let's give them the best we can.  How do we do that?  We don't rob Peter to pay Paul. 
WE FUND it through taxes and elected officials who are put into place by the voters of each community.  Leaders in the community that are more visioned then paid career minded self-serving individuals are what we need more of.   Where do they come from?  From the youth, that mature into adults.  They are our future, so let us be theirs.

Ponder this Lisbon Voters.  The State of Maine has not lived up to their promise.  The current economic crisis that presents to ALL is not getting any better. Next year will be even worse.  With a current mil rate of $25.50 per $1000.00 of valued property we have bright shiny new Police and Fire vehicles and our high school band marches in T-shirts and mismatched pants.  And yes, we have a wonderful trail to walk on that is getting longer as approved by the voters.  

Is there waste and unnecessary spending in budgets?  Absolutely.  And I feel that cuts have been needed for years in both the school and municipal budgets, but only the school has come forward with a workable plan.  You voters are lucky, you get to vote on it.  You should be doing the same for the municipal budget also, but don't.  

Local Contribution 2010

• 2009-2010
– State Contribution ($8,879,679)
– Local Contribution ($4,914,573)

• 2010-2011
– State Contribution ($8,216,245)

• Decrease of $663,434 in State Subsidy

• Transition Amount of $283,002 which results from the state
not meeting their 55% funding obligation.

– Local Contribution ($5,177,171)
• Proposed Increase of $262,598

$263k, that  is what the school needs.  Hell, I found a $308K discrepancy in the figures that Police Chief David T. Brooks presented to the Androscoggin County Commissioners Dispatch Committee on costs for Lisbon Communications Center verses what he has provided to the towns people. Go Figure!

Stay tuned more coming on that one.