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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Take a look at the facts behind the Economic Stimulus Packages for Maine

State Budget Breakdown:

Amount state is on pace to overspend this year?   $940 Million

Jobs lost since the stimulus was enacted?   8500

Change in unemployment since stimulus was enacted?  February 2009  7.7%  
               July 2010      8.1%

Change in foreclosures since stimulus was enacted?   February 2009  261   
July 2010     348

Some examples of the stimulus help for Maine:
1.) Just what we need more basket-makers.  A $50,000 stimulus grant went to the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance to support the traditional arts apprenticeship program.

2.) 'Fido' gets a treat.  In 2008, the Lobster Institute received $188,000 of federal money.  "One of its major accomplishments has been lobster dog biscuits"

3.)  Aren't Lobster's a food source?  This year $200,000 was earmarked for lobster research at the Maine Department of Marine Services.


Now how does this all affect Lisbon?   SPEND SPEND SPEND

Must be time for another, name the flag-pole-downtown-revitalization-revaluation contest, huh?