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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Small Maine Town Victim Of Insider Fraud

"This is EXACTLY WHY taxpayers and citizens need to be vigilant with elected and appointed town officials." 

Dot Fitzgerald

Newburgh auditor: Financial warnings unheeded

NEWBURGH, Maine — Blunt warnings that something was amiss in this Penobscot County town’s finances trace as far back as February 2008, when a municipal auditor raised red flags, though town officials from that time insist they never heard those warnings.
Ron Smith, owner of RHR Smith & Co., which has conducted annual audits for the town of Newburgh for the past seven years, said former Deputy Town Clerk and Treasurer Cindy Dunton and former Town Manager Nancy Hatch were told for at least three years running that the town needed to strengthen its financial processes, including comparing monthly bank statements to internal spending records.
Taking that step, according to Smith, would have revealed long ago that money was being stolen from the town.
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