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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Do Americans Have For This Massive, Irresponsible Spending Of Money?

Fellow Maine voters: 

Think about the following as you go to the polls next Tuesday.

The current administration in Washington has rung up in just 20 months of power, more debt to the American people than all the other administrations going to back to the father of our country, George Washington! 
What do Americans have for this massive, irresponsible spending of money that the U. S. Treasury did not have, but borrowed on the backs of our children, grand children, and great grand children, primarily from a country that hates us, China?

What the money was spent on was for special interest! A payback to the United Auto Workers Union, the NEA teachers Union, and the Teamsters Union, all for their undying support of Washington socialism.

Let us also not forget the the wall street investment gangsters who were bailed out of their disregard of common sense investing because of their greed and lust for financial power …. and the thousands of banks who were going belly up with American's savings because of laws that were pushed through the House of Representatives by a socialists from metro Boston by the name of Barney Frank, and through the Senate by another socialists from Connecticut by the name of Christopher J. Dodd; which, by law, made banks and other lending institutions give mortgage loans to people who simply could not afford a home purchase. Some of these loans were made to people who could not even afford the closing costs, let alone a minimum down payment. 

All this done for political expediency! 

Yes …. to buy votes …. paid for by the American tax payer! 

If this isn't enough to make you blood boil, then nothing ever will. This horrible state of affairs in the housing market was the under current that led not only to our own country's financial demise, but had a rippling affect through out Europe and Asia. 

The European and Asian countries are recovering better than America simply because they have reacted in a responsible manner the administration in Washington simply sneers at.

This blatant irresponsible act in government by just two of our elected officials in Washington was the unmitigated support for the hellish situation we find ourselves in today. Dodd is not running again. He has cowardly backed away from his sordid place in history. 

Barney Frank has been in Washington going on 29 years, and it looks like the larger heads in Massachusetts are going to send this political gangster back to Washington for another term in the House of Representatives! 

Just think voters ….. if we had term limits corralling these Washington thugs. We just might not have found ourselves in the frightful situation we are in today! 

Think about that! 
Perhaps …..just perhaps, as has been suggested by many prominent political thinkers, we as a nation, must create some kind of litmus test to be able to vote; especially in the face of when President Obama goes on a speaking tour to the 'kiddies' at the college campuses; who in a recent survey, some 80% of those he was speaking to did not know who the vice president was, or how many judges sit on the United Sates Supreme Court; but could, without a hitch, tell you the names of every actor and actress on “Jersey Shores” or who the Kardashian sisters were by name and age! These are the same people who blindly voted for a man that the Penobscot Indians would say spoke with a 'forked tongue'. 

But what did all of you expect when you voted for this inexperienced puppet of a putrid Chicago political machine? 

You got what you voted for! So don't blame your unemployment on the nasty company that had to lay you off because they had no orders for the products or services they provided.

Just the mere fact that families are hurting more than since the great depression should be enough for you to go to the polls and vote these rascals out of office before Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in behalf of a socialist president, set in motion a complete collapse of our great country. 

In this regard we as Americans, must be very vigilant as to what both of these socialists do in a 'lame duck' session of congress. 

Both of our Maine Representatives in Washington is lock step part of the problem that now exists! It is disgusting how Chellie Pingree and Mike Michaud run around with their 'holier than thou attitude' when they were tongue in groove with every socialists law set in motion by the Obama administration. Both should hang their heads in shame and apologize to the citizens of Maine for their irresponsible voting record. 

But yet do you think for one minute their consciences would tell them to step down and and not seek reelection?

Hell no! Sadly, today, politicians have no conscience! 

And do you think for one minute that the other socialist in Augusta should get a free pass? 

Hell no! John Baldacci is in some ways on a state level, more of a tax and spend politician than Michaud or Pingree, because he can't borrow money from China! Yet we have another political Baldacci clone running for the Blaine House in Libby Mitchell.

How dumb do they think the voters of Maine are!!?
It is time to take back the remnants of our great nation. Obama's complete disregard of the American people must be stopped in its tracks, least we become a third rate nation, similar to that which he came from in Africa.

C C Bondermann 