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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You Can't Fix Stupid

You Can't Fix Stupid
Last night I along with my fellow councilors and constituents sat and listened to our interim Assessor Mr. William Van Tuinen give a lesson in the preparation for tax commitment. Mr. Tuinen did a pretty good job although we did not hear anything too promising; but he has a long way to go, so hopefully something will come of it. 

As I watched  the people in the audience with disgusted looks on their faces it made me sick to my stomach to think that, here we go again.

Why do the people of Lisbon have to tolerate this incompetence? 

Last year's tax bills had to go out twice and now because of incompetence and not having filled out and filed the collectors warrant along with a Certificate of Commitment (this is illegal, it's time for your second tax bill, again this year.
The town attorney told me that, if you paid your tax bill, you can ask for a refund and the town will pay you with interest. I won't tell you what I would do but my point is, can you see a pattern here

Is it time that Mr. Incompetence (a.k.a. Eldridge) is asked to follow Rosie just  as she followed him? I hear he wants to go to Fairfield, let's hope and pray he does.
I have been told a petition is going to be circulated to recall Mr. Bowie. If you live in district 2 and you're sick of Mr. Bowie and Mr. Incompetence running the show, feel free to sign the petition and lets bring Lisbon back to the people. 
The meeting was taped so it can be viewed at normal times.

Roger Cote