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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Something To Think About

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone was able to relax and
enjoy time with those who mean the most in their lives. I was so fortunate to be able to travel to Florida with
my family over the holiday period. I would like to say that traveling through both the Portland Jetport and the Orlando Airport
was nothing less than professional and easy. The Orlando Airport had large crowds, but overall the employees
that are trying to make a living doing an underappreciated job in these turbulent times, were very friendly and
accommodating. Things went very smoothly from my point of view as a Navy Veteran who has traveled quite
a bit over the last 30 years. I think that sometimes we get caught up in our everyday life and little things become bigger
things and get blown out of proportion. That is not to say that security is not important, on the contrary it is very important,
and we as Americans need to remember that and not take it for granted. With that said, security is sometimes an inconvience
but is that so much to pay for security? Maybe if we weren't so wrapped up in ourselves an how important we
think we and our time is we wouldn't be so impatient. I think it is time for us all to take a step back and take stock
of what is going on in the world and think about how we can help those around us and each other rather than
continually find fault with everyone and every little thing that doesn't go our personal way.

My obeservations,

Tom Whitney
United States Navy, Retired
Lisbon Falls, Maine