Here We Come A-wassailing (or Here We Come A-caroling). Christmas, carols, Canadian brass, Mannheim Steamroller, Kate Rusby
Dear friends,
I am writing to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The hyperlinks in this email take you to a radio interview and news video clips.
This year I launched my first book Mortgaged and Armed and worked to complete my second book The Collapse of Home Prices and the Foreclosure Crisis. I chose to delay publishing Predator Nation until later in 2011 since it is a more complex book, and time permits better perspective and more in depth research.
While Mortgaged and Armed was in the final stages, I discovered that the book's cover artist David Dees was
on the Anti-Defamation League's list for being a controversial
"extremist." I had a brief WTF moment, read the organization's remarks,
and disagreed with them. I
then discovered to my surprise that Dees has a global following,
because he is provocative, talented, and has the ability to cut through
the special interest, media, government, and corporate-driven nonsense
through in your face art. Dees' greatest fault is that he questions prevailing assumptions including the politics of Zionism. I
do not agree with all controversial or satirical political art, but
would rather see more of this than tolerate any smears of artists or
suppression of our most valued free speech right. This year, I concluded that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and
the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are threats to free thought and
free speech in the United States, because their roles are to smear,
suppress, silence, and sideline. They use fear mongering as means to
raise revenues. Another target of ADL and SPLC was the "extremist" Robert
Schulz, the chairman of We The People Foundation for Constitutional
Education. Schulz is the man who sued the federal government to
challenge the constitutionality of bailing out AIG. One man's "extremist"
is another man's advocate for free inquiry, personal liberty, and
government and corporate accountability. Those who cannot refute
controversial messages attack people and characters, which is one step
short of book burning. When political cartoonist G.B. Trudeau ran a Doonesbury strip
in 2009 that showed the White House with the words, "It feels like
1933," his prescient remarks, I believe, went over the heads of most
Also this year, I learned how to make video thanks to Apple's MacBook Pro. I developed an experimental promo video for
my books. I spoke at various real estate offices and civics groups to
discuss the issues of the day. At the prodding of my brother Jonathan, I
bypassed mainstream new outlets and reached out to the alternative
media as part of my book tour to discuss mortgages, foreclosures, and
the industry. That resulted in appearances with George Noory of Coast to
Coast AM, Jack Blood of Deadline Live, and Keith Barrett of Truth
Jihad. (The latest radio interview with Jack Blood on December 16, 2010 starts at 1:08 minute mark in the link). At the prodding of Jo McLaughlin, I resumed submitting articles to trade publications. That resulted in a series of pieces for Scotsman Guide and The Niche Report.
In the coming year I will broaden my media network, publication venues,
and social contacts in order to reach a more diverse audience.
I wanted to share some thoughts on 2010.
passed the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. That
Act blamed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the
failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The executives who mismanaged
these two agencies were not fingered for accounting fraud or
incompetence. This "financial reform" was short sighted and has nothing
in common with New Deal reform.
Predatory lending remains legally undefined. Reverse mortgages were
exempted from the Act. The Act was silent on the dual track foreclosure
and modification process. The Act continued the voluntary government
loan modifications to pay banks $1,000 per modified loan, but lenders
overwhelmingly pursued their own proprietary modifications or
foreclosures due to the profit motive.
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, the nation's official sideshow,
failed to deliver its report to Congress in December 2010 due to rumored
political infighting. It is probable that the Commission will also
blame the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. At issue is
President Clinton's housing initiative, which pushed homeownership from
65 percent to a whopping 67.5 percent. The homeownership rate, however
is one of serval mainstream media driven rabbit hole arguments since
foreclosures will push the homeownership rate below the 65 percent level
by the time the crisis is over.
collapse of home prices is still underway. There is a 40 month
inventory of 7 million bank owned properties across the United States.
Excess inventory, tighter credit, and consumer reluctance meant that
home prices will continue to drop in many housing markets.
foreclosure crisis and the circumstances around this is worse than many
realize. Foreclosures are at three times the level of 1933. At the
pressure of the banks, the Federal Reserve sought to abolish a defense
to foreclosure afforded under the Truth in Lending Act. When borrowers
discover they were defrauded, under this consumer protection law, they
have a three year right to block the lender's ability to foreclosure,
they can refinance, and get a refund of fees and interest paid. Those
refunds have hurt the banks, and the banks pressured the Federal Reserve
to end the consumer's defense to foreclosure. Also, it came to light
that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and many banks created and became members
of the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, or MERS. In so doing, it
appears that the banks circumvented the public records system and
undermined their security interests and standing in court. Moreover,
they defrauded the local jurisdictions of filing fees needed for public
services. Finally, it came to light that the banks, their staff, and
their attorneys had been routinely defrauding the courts in foreclosure
actions as alleged by the states' attorneys general. Due to local print journalists and legal aid attorneys, the attorneys general from all states began an investigation.
The Federal Reserve came under much scrutiny. Ben Bernanke appeared on 60 Minutes
to defend quantitative easing, and with nervously twitching facial
muscles and verging on tears, said that the Federal Reserve was not
printing money. Bernanke, however, was silent on disclosing M3, which
is the true money supply measure that the central bank stopped
publishing on March 23, 2006. A Bloomberg
opinion poll indicated that 39 percent wanted the Federal Reserve to be
more accountable to Congress and 16 percent wanted the central bank
abolished. Only 37 percent said leave things as they are. Though
the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has an audit
provision of the central bank, it is not an audit. It is just a limited
disclosure. Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) was appointed to the head the Domestic
Monetary Policy Subcommittee. Paul's complaints about the Federal
Reserve are that it is a private banking cartel and that it has been
operating in a cloak of secrecy since 1913.
and Exchange Commission fraud on investors became apparent in Capitol
Hill testimony concerning the big banks. The big banks are holding
second mortgages in their own portfolios. Many are tied to homes with
negative equity. If the accounting rules required the banks to value
these second mortgages as worthless, the banks would lack the regulatory
capital to operate. They would be insolvent. This accounting fraud,
enabled by the federal government, permits the banks to operate,
prevents another immediate bailout, but defrauds naive investors who own
bank stocks.
have cut back on the use of credit in favor of cash. This has had the
impact of stalling economic recovery since consumers are no longer over
leveraging. At issue is the tension between the real, cash-based economy
and the synthetic, debt-based economy promoted by the banks. When the
Federal Reserve pumped record amounts of "money" into the banking system, no mainstream media outlet conveyed the truth that the banks made more credit available, which consumers do not want. That, however, did not stop mindless
consumer stampedes at some stores on Black Friday. In 2010, employees
and customers got trampled, but no one died as was the case in 2008.
economy has structural problems. The champions of globalism exported
American jobs abroad, and without incentivizing legislation, they are
not coming back. The true unemployment rate is over 17 percent, not just
under 10 percent. The difference is due to government and media
reporting U3, not U6, as the measure for unemployment issued by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since 70 percent of the American economy is
driven by consumers, this makes our current circumstances worse than
during the Great Depression when consumers only drove 25 percent of the
economy. No mainstream media outlet addresses these troubling facts.
Instead, government and the media present a misleading picture of the
real world.
theories, I believe, may have come from the periphery and smack into
the center of American thinking. At one time, it was considered lunacy
to think that the Federal Reserve was a private banking cartel that was
formed in secrecy. In fact Ezra Pound got himself into trouble for
promoting that idea and other ideas as well. Ezra Pound's legal defense
when tried by the government for sedition was insanity. The government's
response was to offer him a tax payer-funded pre-frontal lobotomy. Ezra
Pound's supporters, however, rebuffed the government's gracious
attempts at forever silencing the loan voice in the wilderness. Today,
the spirit of Ezra Pound is alive across the United States. That is the
spirit that loathes an out of control federal government, corporate
driven war mongering for profit, and a debt based money system that only
benefits the banks and the ridiculously affluent.
Conspiratorial fears of a New World Order became tangible and took on apocalyptic dimensions with news reports of
plans to microchip the population by 2017. The corporate motives are
driven by profit, because corporate-friendly legislation mandates the
widespread use of new technology. The government's motives are control,
security, and real time surveillance. The
G-20 meetings and the police state tactics underscore the disturbing
direction central bankers are taking the developed nations. Those
familiar with the Bible know that Old and New Testament prophets warned
that in "the end times" there would be a short lived global government,
those within it would terribly suffer, the global government would
fail, and the tyrants of globalism and their willing subjects would be
removed from the earth so that "the meek shall inherit the earth." The words of the prophets are written on both the subway walls and the hearts of millions of people.
The mid-term elections permitted Americans to release some pent up steam and anger due to the policy failures in government. In London, Madrid, Athens, and Rome student riots became bloody, fiery, and smokey as unabated street warfare broke out. In London, students shouted, "Off with their heads!" as Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, drove by in their Rolls Royce. A year ago in Italy, Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was attacked. In Greece, Kostis Hatzidakis got his had repeatedly bashed and bloodied. Russia Today's media
coverage and raw video footage from citizen journalists provided the
world with a window into the breakdown of social democracies
burdened by excessive government debt and structural adjustments
imposed by creditors. It's the 1960s all over again, but this time the
students are not protesting against foreign wars. They are protesting
against the financial sector's warfare against households and
governments (the thesis of Mortgaged and Armed and Predator Nation). They are not in the moral right for violent rioting. In all murky times, however, oftentimes doing the right thing is wrong and doing the wrong
thing is right. Without dissent and protest, the financial sector will
plunge governments, businesses, and households into ruin and government
would declare a code red national emergency. The Chinese proverb holds
true for all of us, "May you live in interesting times."
As Emerson, Lake & Palmer noted in their classic song I Believe in Father Christmas, "the Christmas we get is the Christmas we deserve."
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Peter Hebert