The referendum for the recall of Town Councilor Michael Bowie is on Tuesday
January 4, 2011. The re-call petitions circulated in November 2010 was to
put the re-call to a referendum vote.
The actual re-call will be decided by the number of votes (ballots) cast,
the number of people voting, and the majority of "yes' or "no" votes. YES
votes to validate the re-call, and NO votes would keep Mr. Bowie in office
for another 2 years, the remainder of his term.
A total of 608 people need to get out and vote.
Absentee ballots are available at the Town Office. Voting for Ward 2 is at
the MTM Center, School Street, Lisbon Falls. The polls will be open from 7
a.m. to 8 p.m.
The reasons for the re-call of Councilor Michael Bowie are:
A. Denying and councilor the right to place an item on the agenda (charter
sec. 2.04).
Fact: Town Council meeting, September 9, 2009, councilor Cote requested
Council Chair, Michael Bowie place a request for a J.Brake on
Route 9 as an
item for discussion.
Fact: Town Council meeting, December 1, 2009 Councilor Cote presented the
entire council with a letter asking for a charter amendment
allowing the
registered voters in Lisbon to have a vote on the municipal
Councilor Cote was told that the item would be placed on the agenda
at a letter date. Neither request was honored.
B. Not consulting with all the councilors when dealing with the town
manager. (charter sec.2.04)
Fact: supported based on comments and information discussed, in particular
at the town council
meeting of September 7, 2010, and again at the meeting of September
17, 2010 and throughout
additional meetings made public. Specifically the September 17, 2010
council meeting when
Councilor Gina Mason stated "I'm embarrassed to sit here and tell you
I didn't know this was
going on. My question to Steve (Eldridge) and Mike is why as 6
councilors that are just equal
to the seven, why weren't we told about this before the tax bills
were sent out?"
Mr. Bowie, chairman of the town council received an e-mail from town
manager Steve Eldridge
on September 1, 2010 at 9:56 a.m. notifying him of the drop in "our
personal property value that
totals$19,846,420.00. This drop in personal property value greatly
affected the 2010/2011 tax bills.
Who could forget that meeting, if you were there or watched on TV?!
C. Improper influence and/or conflict of interest regarding the use of town
funds (chapter 12).
Fact: Councilor Bowie continued in discussions regarding the Police
Department budget regarding
salaries despite recommendations by the Ethics Panel that he not be
in the room during Police
Department salaries and budgets. Councilor Bowie's wife is
secretary to Chief of Police David
Brooks. This constitutes a conflict of interest.
D. Failure to properly preside over a Town Council meeting.
Fact: The items discussed and addressed at the February 17, 2010 Council
meeting by Chief Brooks
were not on the agenda and did not pertain to the Police Department
budget or an item warranting
public discussion. Chief Brooks used this time to belittle, ridicule
and display outright insubordination
as a town employee towards a town councilor.It was evident that a
few councilors, including Bowie
had prior knowledge of this pending "performance". Councilor Bowie
has limited citizens during
public hearings to a 2 minute timeframe when speaking. Citizens
paying taxes should be allowed
time to speak without being cut-off by a councilor provided they are
within their time limit set forth.
Councilor Bowie has displayed his inability to run or facilitate a
meeting on more that one occasion,
and the Town Charter supports this infraction as outlined as an
action for re-call.
Do you, the citizens and taxpayers of the Town of Lisbon, specifically of
Ward 2, want more of the same,
or do you want change for the better.
It is up to you
January 4, 2011
Get out the vote. Get out and
Respectfully submitted by
Dot Fitzgerald
A Concerned Citizen for Responsible Government
The referendum for the recall of Town Councilor Michael Bowie is on Tuesday
January 4, 2011. The re-call petitions circulated in November 2010 was to
put the re-call to a referendum vote.
The actual re-call will be decided by the number of votes (ballots) cast,
the number of people voting, and the majority of "yes' or "no" votes. YES
votes to validate the re-call, and NO votes would keep Mr. Bowie in office
for another 2 years, the remainder of his term.
A total of 608 people need to get out and vote.
Absentee ballots are available at the Town Office. Voting for Ward 2 is at
the MTM Center, School Street, Lisbon Falls. The polls will be open from 7
a.m. to 8 p.m.
The reasons for the re-call of Councilor Michael Bowie are:
A. Denying and councilor the right to place an item on the agenda (charter
sec. 2.04).
Fact: Town Council meeting, September 9, 2009, councilor Cote requested
Council Chair, Michael Bowie place a request for a J.Brake on
Route 9 as an
item for discussion.
Fact: Town Council meeting, December 1, 2009 Councilor Cote presented the
entire council with a letter asking for a charter amendment
allowing the
registered voters in Lisbon to have a vote on the municipal
Councilor Cote was told that the item would be placed on the agenda
at a letter date. Neither request was honored.
B. Not consulting with all the councilors when dealing with the town
manager. (charter sec.2.04)
Fact: supported based on comments and information discussed, in particular
at the town council
meeting of September 7, 2010, and again at the meeting of September
17, 2010 and throughout
additional meetings made public. Specifically the September 17, 2010
council meeting when
Councilor Gina Mason stated "I'm embarrassed to sit here and tell you
I didn't know this was
going on. My question to Steve (Eldridge) and Mike is why as 6
councilors that are just equal
to the seven, why weren't we told about this before the tax bills
were sent out?"
Mr. Bowie, chairman of the town council received an e-mail from town
manager Steve Eldridge
on September 1, 2010 at 9:56 a.m. notifying him of the drop in "our
personal property value that
totals$19,846,420.00. This drop in personal property value greatly
affected the 2010/2011 tax bills.
Who could forget that meeting, if you were there or watched on TV?!
C. Improper influence and/or conflict of interest regarding the use of town
funds (chapter 12).
Fact: Councilor Bowie continued in discussions regarding the Police
Department budget regarding
salaries despite recommendations by the Ethics Panel that he not be
in the room during Police
Department salaries and budgets. Councilor Bowie's wife is
secretary to Chief of Police David
Brooks. This constitutes a conflict of interest.
D. Failure to properly preside over a Town Council meeting.
Fact: The items discussed and addressed at the February 17, 2010 Council
meeting by Chief Brooks
were not on the agenda and did not pertain to the Police Department
budget or an item warranting
public discussion. Chief Brooks used this time to belittle, ridicule
and display outright insubordination
as a town employee towards a town councilor.It was evident that a
few councilors, including Bowie
had prior knowledge of this pending "performance". Councilor Bowie
has limited citizens during
public hearings to a 2 minute timeframe when speaking. Citizens
paying taxes should be allowed
time to speak without being cut-off by a councilor provided they are
within their time limit set forth.
Councilor Bowie has displayed his inability to run or facilitate a
meeting on more that one occasion,
and the Town Charter supports this infraction as outlined as an
action for re-call.
Do you, the citizens and taxpayers of the Town of Lisbon, specifically of
Ward 2, want more of the same,
or do you want change for the better.
It is up to you
January 4, 2011
Get out the vote. Get out and
Respectfully submitted by
Dot Fitzgerald
A Concerned Citizen for Responsible Government