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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Topsham Grange Awards Grant to Lisbon School‏

Topsham Grange Awards Technology Grant to Lisbon School
Lisbon – Members of the Topsham Grange #37, a community partner with the Lisbon School Department, have provided third grade students at Lisbon Community School a personal dictionary through the Words for Thirds Dictionary Project since 2007.   Moving forward with their continued support to the school, members  recently voted on awarding a $200 technology grant. 

Laurie Adams, computer teacher at LCS, was delighted to learn of the grant to support the BrainPOP program.  BrainPOP is an animated educational site for kids in science, social studies, English, math, arts, music, health, engineering and technology.  “The computer program is a valuable resource to integrate into the curriculum to teach and motivate students,” commented Adams.  FMI community partnership opportunities contact Monica Millhime, Community Resource Coordinator by emailing or call 754-0021.

Topsham Grange #37 member, Merton Ricker, (far right) presented a $200 Technology Grant to LCS Assistant Principal Ryan Patrie and computer teacher Laurie Adams during a student computer class on Monday, December 13.    “The grant will provide LCS students in grades one through five the ability to experience the inter-active software, shares Patrie.“  “We are extremely fortunate to have community partners like Topsham Grange support our school and our students by providing resources to continually improve our content areas.”  Photo courtesy of Monica Millhime.