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Friday, December 17, 2010

We Have Been Warned

America Warned is just Months Away from Financial Armageddon

Posted by EU Times on Dec 16th, 2010
The plan of the American Progressives, led by President Obama, to plunge the United States into economic chaos in order for their being able to ‘rebuild’ it from ‘the bottom up’ appears to be nearing success as new warnings have been issued stating that they are just months away from financial Armageddon.
American Progressives advocate changes to society through more governmental action and stand sharply opposed to Conservatives who advocate for minimal and gradual change through less governmental action.
The inflationary spiral warned to hit the United States couldn’t come at a worse time as aside from the tens-of-millions who have already lost their homes in the greatest housing rout since the Great Depression, over 5.2 million Americans are said living in homes 60-90 days past due on their mortgages.

Equally worse to hit the Americans is what Dan Akerson, chief executive of General Motors, warned is the coming “gas price shock” he is preparing his auto company for by hiring 1,000 engineers and researchers to quickly build more fuel efficient vehicles as these people will no longer be able to afford to drive what they now own.

Important to note about the dire straights the Progressive’s have put the American economy into is no less a person than the United States top military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who in a recent warning stated that the US debt has now become the single biggest threat to their National security.

Most unfortunately for the American people is their continued blindness to the grave state their once great Nation is now in, and their continued allowing of their Nation to be looted for the sole benefit of their elite Progressive ruling classes that defies all explanation, especially in light of the violent protests erupting all across the European Continent against these so called ‘banksters’ who are continuing to loot the wealth of the West to line their own pockets.

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