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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

911 ... Police, fire, or rescue? Not sure, but it's a nightmare‏

By Peter Hebert

It was a cold and heartless January 2011 with one exception. Ted William's golden voice caught nationwide attention, and a prodigal son was lifted from homelessness as he returned to a life with dignity. 

December 31, 2010, John Wheeler III's body was discovered in a Delaware garbage dump. Wheeler, a former Pentagon official, had sued a New Castle couple for building a home across the street from his house. Wheeler may have been too smart for his own good. West Point, Harvard business school, and Yale law school are all of the credentials that could easily turn good brains into a loathsome character that displays repulsive arrogance. Wheeler was connected to three Presidents, had the highest security clearances, and was an expert on biological warfare. 

He knew too much and was opposed to the use of biological weapons. If someone wanted to make a statement, Wheeler's tragic ending was that statement.

On New Year's day and in the days that followed, odd reports of mass animal kills surfaced around the world. Birds, fish, alligators, turtles, and shell fish caught the world's attention as mass kills were reported in Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, California, Illinois, Florida, Brazil, Australia, Sweden, and Italy. In the post office the topic came up, and a woman directed me to Zephaniah, which I looked up when I got home. The Old Testament prophet Zephaniah warned, “I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth, ” declares the LORD. “I will sweep away both man and beast; I will sweep away the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea—and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble. When I destroy all mankind on the face of the earth,” declares the LORD. (Chapter 1, Verses 2-3). Many people at social networking sites posted suspicions of phosgene gas and the death of Wheeler as an inside the government attempt to silence a whistle blower. Scientists, however, said that mass animal kills are normal.

January 8, Jared Loughner went on a psychotic shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona where he shot 16 and killed six people. True to his video clips posted online, Loughner "let the bodies hit the floor." Among them were United States District Court for the District of Arizona Judge John M. Roll, who was shot dead; and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head.

Loughner's behavior, when more carefully examined, appears less to be connected with political ideology. His book list was required high school and freshman college reading. Loughner appears to be in the same line of people as the Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedel and the Virginia tech shooter Seung Hui Cho. These tragic lives resemble Holden Caufield's out of Catcher in the Rye. On the continuum between  

schizophrenia and MK ultra, however, Loughner leans towards the MK ultra side of the scale given his statements and video clips and appearance in court. A mere one percent of the population is schizophrenic. That's about three million Americans. 

Judge Roll made a controversial ruling. "In 2009, Roll ruled that the case Vicente v. Barnett could go forward. The $32 million lawsuit brought by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) against Arizona rancher Roger Barnett on behalf of 16 Mexican plaintiffs charged that the plaintiffs were assaulted, threatened, and held at gunpoint by Barnett and members of his family."  For those who believe that life is random and filled with accidents, Roll was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Among the many sentiments on the Internet regarding Roll after his murder were those that expressed relief that he was gone, but disapproval of his murder.

Congresswoman Giffords switched from the Republican to the Democratic party in 2010. She supported President Obama's health care plan, which provoked both a nationwide protest and litigation by many states against the federal government. To compound matters, Arizona's District 8 sits on a 114 mile border with Mexico. As described by The New York Times, "The district has become a caldron of divisions over government spending, immigration, health care and Barack Obama." Her vandalized office and the really rough town hall meetings were the "if you see something, say something" signs that Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security failed to notice. The gun rhetoric used by some politicians and some in the media also escaped Napolitano's notice. The department's focus under Napolitano instead was on Walmart's mostly lower income and foreign born customers, who follow low prices. Loughner followed those low prices and bought his bullets at Walmart. No one saw anything suspicious, so no one said anything, and no one called Napolitano. Even if they had, no one at Department of Homeland Security would have picked up the phone since the government agency is closed on the weekends. Besides, his parents, neighbors, classmates, and teachers reported nothing, because they knew nothing.

The earlier comments about a "hate crime" possibly at play given that Giffords is Jewish was misplaced since 

Loughner is also Jewish. The likelihood that Loughner targeted Giffords, because of race or religion made no sense. Yet, FOX News reported "suspected anti-Semitic motives." And, a Department of Homeland Security memo noted that Loughner may be linked to anti government and anti "Zionist Occupational Government" organizations (i.e., the belief that Jews control the U.S. government). Smear and fear mongering Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center made the mainstream media rounds to warn the mesmerized nation about the dangers of white supremacists and gold hoarders as potential terrorists. Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League asserted that Loughner had "a generic distrust" of government (like about 80 percent of the American public). Loughner also had a dislike for religion (like the American Civil Liberties Union). He mocked Christianity and believers like the Columbine killers Eric David Harris and Dylan Bennet Klebold (Klebold also had a Jewish background). He also had a vague interest in conspiracy theories (like any reader of a Congressional commission report as in the Warren Commission or the 9/11 Commission). None of these idiotic "experts," who shape public opinion, addressed mental illness or family dysfunction as the more likely contributing factors in shaping a natural born killer.

Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church announced that he was thankful for Loughner's actions and planned to picket the funerals. It seems that in Phelps repulsive presentation of God to the world, the wrath of God is here, and America deserves it and more.

Zionists and New World Order planners behind American politics promoted Sarah Palin to a national level far beyond what was warranted. She's got good looks and poor judgment, hardly the qualifications for The White House. Palin's gun rhetoric appealed to those afraid Obama sought to disarm Americans prior to ushering in socialism and rounding up resisters into FEMA camps by railway cars. All the bravado about being locked, loaded, targeted and stuff like that really worked better in a John Wayne film. It's the type of imagery that foreigners to this day think about when they look at America. It's the rough riding American with cow boy hats, crocodile boots, and quick trigger fingers. Thanks to her handlers and backers, Palin took the notion of the ugly American to a new level. She was not alone. The mainstream media fully participated in the over the top rhetoric and fueled the polarization of our society. 

But, the poor taste in public discourse and rude behavior in the political process are not the reasons Loughner locked, loaded, and targeted people in public. Andy Warhol said that everyone gets their 10 minutes of fame in America. In this case, it was global notoriety.  Loughner showed up in court looking like Aleister Crowley with a bizarre triumphant look on his face complete with shaved eyebrows. Yes, Loughner wants the world to know he's insane. What he did was insane. What is equally bizarre is how poorly connected Tucson's residents are. The neighbor across the street from the Loughner's since 1972 did not even know that family's last name. The same alienation and isolation in America's neighborhoods is probably nationwide, a social illness, due to over exposure to television as a substitute for community and socializing.

January 10, Ashley Turton, a lobbyist, was burned to death in her BMW SUV that was parked inside her garage near Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Her husband Dan Turton works in the White House as the deputy director of legislative affairs, and is the liaison with the House of Representatives.

I see a lot of troubling and suspicious things, but Janet Napolitano at Department of Homeland Security is not the person to call unless it's descriptive name calling as in idiotic. Had I called 911 during the first 10 days of January 2011 and heard, "Police, fire, or rescue?" I would have answered, "Not sure. But, it's a nightmare."