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Friday, April 22, 2011

The “Good Old Boys” are at it again.

All Residents of Lisbon

The “Good Old Boys” are at it again.

I am sure every resident in the Town of Lisbon is aware the current Town Engineer’s salary is $69,310 with an expected raise of 8% this year to offset his additional duties as Director of Public Works and two other departments. I brought this up at the April 19th Town Council Meeting and was told he has worked for the town for ten years and the Town Manager was very pleased with his work. I think this is another scam by the management of the town.

The current Town Engineer is not even an engineer according to the Maine Professional Engineers. I talked to the Office of Professional Engineer on Friday, April 22, 2011 and learned E. Ryan Leighton or Ryan Leighton had never completed the requirements to become a licensed engineer in the State of Maine. Yes, Mr. Leighton has a degree as a Mechanical Engineer but has never passed the two exams required by the State of Maine to receive his stamp to be recognized as a Professional Engineer in the State of Maine. The position of Town Engineer requires a Civil Engineer and not a Mechanical Engineer.

This is like asking a brain surgeon to perform the duties of a heart surgeon.

This becomes even stranger since at the time of this employment (ten years ago) getting his stamp as a Professional Engineer by the State of Maine was a condition of his employment. He has had ten years to accomplish this requirement and has failed to do so. Normally, when a person is hired without the necessary requirements their salary is entry level until all the requirements are met but not in the Town of Lisbon. Instead, the Town of Lisbon hired this individual at a salary equal to someone with all the credentials of a Professional Engineer and the taxpayer have been paying a person who is not qualified top dollar for ten years and you wonder why our taxes are increasing every year. Again, the good old boys are protecting one of their own.

I guarantee you our taxes are going to go up again this year and the Town Council is going to say it is because of the loss of state and federal revenue. I believe this is a cover up for all the “good old boys” to pad their pockets. Look closely at the current proposed budget and you will see a 1.75% increase in the wages of all employee’s of the Town of Lisbon. This includes individuals such as the Town Manager, Chief of Police, Fire Chief and Town Engineer. At the same time, five individuals will lose their jobs and this is not fair. I am not saying that wage employees in the Town of Lisbon do not deserve this increase but not at the expense of five individuals.

It is a proven fact the salaries of key personnel in this town are inflated. The value of the town in property and revenues received does not justify these kinds of salaries. I understand the need to hire the best qualified personnel and pay them accordingly but not at the expense of raising our taxes every year. There needs to be a way to correct these inflated salaries. Bring these salaries back to reality will NOT reduce services provided and will correct some of the outrageous spending by the Town Council and Town Manager.

The “Good Old Boys” are allowed to cover-up all these issues I bring out because the residents of Lisbon do not come out to the Town Council meeting or contact their Town Councilor and complain about these issues. Once, the Town Council votes to approve these issues they become legal and then it is harder to correct. Prior to the Town Council voting on issues, the public has the opportunity to speak out against the issue they are voting on. I can tell you this, until we remove enough of the Councilors to make a difference we are going to continue to experience higher taxes. Roger Cote and Mark Lunt are the only two councilors who have displayed a sense of responsibility in putting the best interest of the Town of Lisbon first. Any Councilor who votes to approve this years proposed budget, needs to be replaced immediately through a recall process, so we can get new personnel on the Council who have integrity and vote what is in the best interest of the community and put a stop to these “Good Old Boys” destroying this town.

Larry A. Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

(The Following Information is from the Town of Lisbon's  website:)

E. Ryan Leighton
Town Engineer
Phone: 353-3000 ext. 116
Fax: 353-3007
Engineering Functions
Developing Lisbon GIS
Technical Liaison to LACTS
Support of Building Needs Committee
Support of Ordinance Committee
Liaison between Town and DOT
Public Relations and technical assistance for citizens
Repository for mapping and technical information
Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment Plant
Coordinates and oversees Contract operator
Prepares annual reports to DEP
Oversees sludge disposal program
Specifies and Purchases capital needs