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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pay Raises ?‏

Social Security hasn’t increased SSI payments for the cost of living since 2008.

The government has frozen federal wages for the next two years.
(granted there are exceptions but I won’t go there…)

The Federal minimum wage hasn’t increased since July 24, 2009.

So can someone explain to me the justification for pay raises in Lisbon, Maine?

The Lisbon School District pushes every year to decrease their budget in response to the state not paying their full share. (Want to guess what would happen if I didn't pay my fair share ... but that’s a whole different topic)

Our property taxes increased to cover last year’s school budget in light of the states ever decreasing subsidy - so be it ... I think we are getting the dirty end of the stick, but we either pay it to the town or let the state bump up taxes to cover their share ...

Let’s face it, if they aren’t getting all they can out of Mr Green's department, more than likely they will be making more work for Mr. Brooks' department.  I for one would rather see them graduated than incarcerated. 

Our property taxes increased more than expected to cover a town budget shortfall and human error - I can live with that ... I'm not happy about it but its water under the bridge now.

The operation of the town is the responsibility of the Town Manager ... the town manager is the responsibility of the town council ... WE are responsible for the town council...

If you have a problem with the town council, don’t complain here, complain to your councilors ... we elected them and it’s their job to make those decisions.

The Town Manager's contract was extended ... so be it ... but given the errors in last year’s taxes and budget, how do you even think to justify a raise in pay. 

Am I missing something here?? 

Gregg Garrison