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Friday, May 13, 2011

Cats and kittens

I assume the owner of this home is an animal lover. He meant well. But, this is what happens when things get out of control.
Cats can breed twice a year if not altered. It does not take long for it to get out of control, no matter how well meaning.  
The price of cat food and litter to feed and care for so many is unimaginable.
And, no one, no neighbor saw? knew? had any idea what was happening? right under their noses? literally?

Mrs. Morgan is right. The town wanted the Thiboutot property for the fire department, and took it. Claiming it
unsafe. Well, the _ _ _ _ has hit the fan, literally.  What goes around, comes around. It has come back to
bite them.
It would seem the extra officer Chief Brooks and Town Manager Eldridge are adding to this year's budget will be a fix-all.

Dot Fitzgerald