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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is It Too Late To Open Your Eyes?

If the rapture comes and you're left behind

"So, what to do if you notice people missing from your life at some point today, or early tomorrow. I’m going to rejoice. That means people like Jack DeCoster, a good Xian who never saw a labor violation he didn’t like will be gone. So will legislators like Dale Crafts, who runs interferance for the Jack DeCosters of the world, along with my own representative from Durham and most of Maine’s current legislature, which seems to be stuffed with pro-rapture types, and more interested in imposing their religious views on Mainers than job creation, along with a host of other people that I’ll never, ever see eye to eye with. Camping of course will be gone, but given his age, he probably doesn’t have much more time here anyways. I think my boss will be gone as I gather he’s in tight with the big guy upstairs. I’m not sure about my parents because while they’re Catholic and devout, the Catholic position isn’t one that holds to a premillenial rapture."

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