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Monday, May 23, 2011

Maine 'Politicos' Envious of New Hampshire

This is good.  Our Maine 'stooges' on the political front, are in a popularity contest of sorts.  Never mind the Sweet deal they all spent time and money on over the official,  Blue/Whoppie Official Dessert.  After reading this complete article the last sentence will forever separate Maine's Politicos from New Hampshire's.

"New Hampshire lawmakers’ pay, $100 per year, may be where the envy stops; no one has proposed cutting Maine lawmakers’ pay to that level."

‘NH envy’ motivates neighboring Maine lawmakers

By GLENN ADAMS, The Associated Press

AUGUSTA, Maine — Maine may have just turned red, politically speaking, but color it green — green with envy for its only American neighbor, New Hampshire.
Unlike any of the lower 48 states, Maine has only one other neighboring state to compare itself with, feud with, compete with, and sometimes even cooperate with.
Feelings engendered by the unique two-state tie extend away from the capitals. Each state thinks it has better ski slopes, more colorful autumn leaves, better university hockey teams and superior maple syrup.
On the Down East side of the border, the rivalry manifests itself in numerous ways in the State House, where legislation hinting at how the Granite State does things shows up in issues from liquor, cigarettes and fireworks to taxes and text messaging.
The latest reference came during a recent, heated debate over a health insurance overhaul bill in Maine, when Sen. Joseph Brannigan spoke of “New Hampshire envy” that permeates the State House time and again.
“We’re always comparing to New Hampshire,” Brannigan, D-Portland, said when talking about Maine trying to bring its individual and small group health insurance policies more in line with you-know-who.

 Read full article here: