Lisbon's Water Supply
The facts presented in Mr. Samson's recent letter to
the Reporter are correct. The well head protection ordinance has been
sitting around for better than two years and does need to be passed. I
have expressed my concerns about the Moody Avenue well protection to
local government officials and individuals over the Dragon Pit Property
in person and in e-mails.
I am not standing in the way of the development of
the Dragon Pit property. The town does need the tax revenue. However,
our water resources do need protection through the passage of the
proposed well head protection ordinance. If the Moody Avenue well
is contaminated it will cost all residents (due to fire protection) a great deal of money.
What can Lisbon residents do? Talk or call your
councilors and urge them to pass the well head protection ordinance as
soon as possible to save guard our public water supply.
If you have further questions attend a water board
meeting on the second and fourth Monday of each month, or call me @
353-2780 or e-mail me at
This is a very serious matter but it is workable once the ordinance has been passed.
Bill Bauer