The time has come for me to make this announcement.
Finally, a light can be seen at the end of the tunnel for you folks. As the investigation into Rumford's latest issues proceeds, you can all be assured that it will include Lisbon.
Three years ago is when I got involved to learn more about the recent hiring of Lisbon Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge.
A tremendous amount of valid information has been gained about just how the Good Ole Boy Network runs things in Lisbon and other connected communities.
The River Valley Sun's Reporter Candace Casey will be a great source to follow for up to date, accurate, un-muddied sterile press releases from town offices, for information.
by:candice at 2011-04-30
While this was uncovered in an investigation as reported to you as it has been unfolding, I also immediately contacted Town Manager Carlo Puiia upon learning the Auditor was not licensed for what we have now learn is many more than 5 years, has been conducting the towns audits without a license and illegally. I spoke with him to notify him while he was at his office on Wednesday. I called him at home where he immediately took my call when I learned that the Town Attorney during much of that time and current chairman of the finance committee connection after the town offices closed also on Wednesday. I met with the Town Manager at his office on Thursday morning after my interview with the Police Chief. I also spoke with him by phone on Friday afternoon as we both spent much of the day talking to a variety of state agencies ranging from the Attorney General's Office to the Bureau of Accountancy, and he continued to consult Maine Municipal Association. Thus far I am comfortable with the Town Managers cooperation with the River Valley Sun as the Press uncovering and breaking this, and in its format best to provide information to the public able to keep the public informed on an ongoing basis as it becomes available.
A core group of citizens that have stayed true to course for the voyage, have endured a lot through this process. Some have come and some have gone. Some no longer stand beside.
Lisbon residents, listen up. Roger Cote, Dot Fitzgerald, Larry Filmore and other's, that have stood and continue to stand up for the citizens, need not to be taken lightly anymore. If you are interested and want to help get with them and see where you might.
A new course is being plotted out now for a new voyage in my life and some much needed defrag/ reprogram time. I want you all to know that I was sincere with my efforts.
But everything you could and would want to know about small town "good ole boy" government is on this page, the River Valley Sun, It all starts with abuse of the Home Rule law. - TC
Thank you ALL!
Good Luck Lisbon!
"It's now how you get to the top that matters the journey taken keeps it meaningful"