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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ball One, Ball Two, Ball Three For Certain Lisbon Town Councilors, Umpired By Evil Eldridge


The Town Council held not one; not two; but three council meetings Tuesday night.  At approximately 06:30 PM was the pre-meeting conducted by the puppet master Bowie.  In attendance were Vice Chair Pomelow, Councilors Bickford, Mason, and LaRochelle came in later.  This meeting was to ensure the puppets understood their roles at the regular scheduled meeting.  Councilors Cote and Lunt were not invited to this meeting.  Apparently, these councilors do not know where the council chamber is located.

Next meeting was the regular town council meeting held in the Town Council chamber as outlined in the town charter.  This meeting went off without a hitch.  Councilor Bowie would make a motion and one of the puppets would second and then all the puppets voted with the puppet master.  This continued all through the meeting. 

Apparently, some of the councilors screwed up because after the regular meeting several of the councilors moved to Evil Eldridge’s office to be debriefed.  These meetings are totally illegal.   They protect Chief Brook’s enormous budget so the police will never touch them.  This is why I keep telling the residents of Lisbon; this town has no police department but instead a protection racket.  Councilors are protected and untouchable. The pre-meeting and debriefing meetings are illegal and need to stop.

Councilors can criticize residents and place restrictions on them when they themselves are guilty of the same thing.  One council, Vice Chair Pomelow was cited by the Code Enforcement Officer for operating a junkyard out of their residence years ago before she became councilor and now she is requiring Mr. Morreale to clean up his property.   This councilor has been cleaning up her yard but still has a long way to go.  There are other councilors who have secrets in their closet which has been covered up by the police department.  This is why Brooks maintains such a large budget.  

Councilors should lead by example and not criticize fellow citizens of the Town of Lisbon.  This town needs to work hard to help residents who are suffering in these economic times instead of trying to legally steal their property.  It is amazing how the only property the town is going after are ones without liens on them.  These residents worked their entire life paying off the mortgage on their retirement/dream house and now because of the economy and the outrageous spending by the town are not able to pay their taxes.  This council has failed these people by not cutting spending.  Instead, this council supports inflated budgets by the police, fire and town manager.

This is the exact reason the council voted to include a survey on the November ballot instead of including a Charter Change on the ballot.  The council is delaying the process for another six months in order to protect the police, fire and town manager budgets.  I can almost guarantee the people regardless of the outcome of the survey; this issue will never again be discussed unless Councilor Cote brings this up again and then the council will vote not to include it on the next ballot.  This council and Brooks, Galipeau and Eldridge know the people will cut these budgets; if given an opportunity.

Larry A. Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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