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Thursday, October 13, 2011

America, Has Become A War Economy, Obama: the most pro-war president in history. Afghanistan, cluster bombs, Iraq, Libya, obama, Pakistan, predator drone, pro-war, war, war crimes, Yemen ‏

What's it take to get a Nobel Peace Prize these days, right?
President Obama ordered more drone strikes and has had more troops
in Afghanistan than at any point during the Bush administration,
not that I'm defending THAT criminal.
However, it does seem that what Bush was criticized for, Obama wins
prizes for in going to new extremes, literally.
Having trouble believing it? Watch and learn...
Obama: the most pro-war president in history

And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to...
Barack Obama is fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Libya. He is spending more on the US military than any previous president. If he serves for eight years as president, he will spend over $8 trillion on defense, including the hidden costs of the war economy. Fifty per cent of all US tax dollars is spent on the US military. America spends more on defense than the combined total military budget of every other country in the world.

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