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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lisbon Is Controlled By A Council Of Puppets


I truly am embarrassed to acknowledge several members of the Town Council.  These individuals are too stupid to know when there are being played by Councilor Bowie.

 Let’s take for instance Councilor Mason.  During a workshop discussion of the Western Maine Transportation, Lisbon Connection, she asked “What do the buses look like?”  This individual is representing this community and the senior citizens in it and has no clue what the buses look like.  Marvelous, just plain marvelous!  Look at the town council meetings and the input Mason provides; it is either about Moxie Day or some upcoming event in the town.  Mason is the “Social Director” for the council.  She never has any worthwhile input for the council on real issues.

Next, let’s take a look at Councilor Pomelow.  I personally do not believe she has ever had a single thought of her own.  If Bowie did not conduct a pre-meeting before the town council meetings she would be at a loss for words.  I believe it was Bowie who ordered Pomelow to rewrite the Council Working Rules to silence the residents from speaking on agenda items during the discussion of each item.  She wrote it and screwed it up so bad Evil Eldridge had to take it over after approximately four months.  It still is not right but what else would you expect from Eldridge.

Councilor LaRochelle is making money hand over fist off the town so he does whatever he is told to do.  Let’s see now; he has purchased several town properties for a song; he has the towing contract and he does repairs on town vehicles.  Why in the world would he want to jeopardize all of this?  Think of the income he would lose.


Councilor Bowie manipulates the council to ensure the police have anything Brooks needs in order to keep his wife employed.  He is the senior councilor and instead of providing honest guidance he leads these other councilors for his own agenda.  He sits in the back ground and plays stupid when in fact he is pulling the strings all the time.  If you do not believe this look at the meetings and discussions on the reevaluation contract for the town.  Pomelow and LaRochelle stated they would like more information on the process and when, and only when it looked like the issue was going to be tabled, Bowie stepped in to save the day by making a motion to vote on the issue.  Both Pomelow and LaRochelle voted with Bowie to award the contract to VanTuinen.   Bowie pulls the strings and they jump into action.

The latest rendition of this very corrupt council is forcing residents to pay for the handouts for workshops.  Have you ever been to a Public Meeting where you were not handed documents in order for you to follow along?  These documents enable you to understand the discussions even if you cannot say anything during the briefing.  I had to pay $13.00 for a copy of the handouts for the last two workshops because “the council” according to Chairman Lunt did not want to provide the handouts to residents who attend these workshops.  Keep in mind, I requested at the last town council, and many preceding meetings that these documents be posted to the town web site just like the town does for actual council meetings.  That way, the town would not have to waste paper on the residents.  The residents could printout whatever they wanted. 

These are the four councilors who always vote together and are solely responsible for the condition the town is in right now.  We cannot get rid of them on a recall so the next time they come up for reelection vote them out! Let’s break up Bowie and the puppets.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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