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Friday, October 14, 2011

November 8th Charter Changes

  November 8th Charter Changes
                                   Question 8    (NO)

On November 8th the residents of Lisbon will be asked to vote on 8 changes to the Lisbon Charter and also give guidance to the council by answering one advisory question.

Of these changes question 8 dealing with revising the recall procedures for removing a councilor is by far the most important and potentially the most devastating change proposed by the council.

In my opinion, the existing recall barrier that requires
voter turnout to be 30 percent of the turnout of the last presidential or gubernatorial election is almost mathematically impossible to hurdle. Making it even more difficult for the public to remove an undesirable councilor is not the answer. This will only make councilors less responsive to the wishes of their constituents.

If the Council really wants to improve the recall procedure, they should remove the existing 30 percent barrier and abide by the wishes of the majority vote.

If we pass question 8 we will in effect be ending our own ability to remove an unsuitable councilor.
I will be voting “NO” on all 8 questions and approving only the advisory question. I want to keep control in the hands of the people.
F.E. Stacey

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