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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Over $7000 dollars to prevent FOAA requests, does that even make any sense?

Over $7000 dollars to prevent FOAA requests,  does that even make any sense?

By: Peter Reuter
The Lisbon Reporter

Lisbon residents, you have to be smarter then to believe what your Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge is trying to convince you of.  Does this even pass the “Strait Face Test”? 

If this TRULY is the case then the Town Attorney, Roger Therriault, has to be the most ruthless lawyer in the land.  Not only has he been the representative for Lisbon’s legal battles for too long, but he also has been a key player in the dynamics of the improprieties of  Town  Official’s conduct.
Case in point, he was in the Executive Chambers during the Town Council meeting of  February 17, 2009 when Police Chief David T. Brooks expounded about Janice Comber, Todd Comber, Roger Cote, The Lisbon Concerned Citizens, and The Lisbon Reporter.  Not only was ALL of it a LIE and a SHOW but it was entirely based on hearsay evidence presented to him by Debra Danuski.  It had no merit  and we can prove that her credibility is CRAP.  We have a very nicely composed letter from one of her children explaining in detail just what she did when she was in the NAVY. Basically, she abandoned her own  children and lied to the NAVY about her living arrangements.  But she in turn becomes such a kiss-ass and back stabber that she ran to Brooks with information that was overheard at a Lisbon School Board private retreat for their officials.

So as you can see this is getting more and more involved as the time passes.  Let’s back up to the current problem at hand.  The Town Manager.  Remember who was on the  Town Council that unanimously brought this “heathen” into the community?  Norma Wells, Charlie Smith, Dale Crafts, Mike Bowie, Fern LaRochelle, Janet Henry, and  Gina Mason.   Thirteen applicants applied for the job.  Remember  Police Chief David T. Brooks was the interim Town Manager at the time.  As John Jenkins, a great candidate, stated to many that he was not even interviewed for the position.  No, because  Stephen G. Eldridge had been basically fired on a technicality from Rumford and was working for Lewiston at the time all the while sucking up to the Maine Municipal Association who basically turned  him into their “golden boy” all for the likes of Lisbon.   What a great match-up, right?  WRONG.

So elections roll around in November of 2008, and Roger Cote upsets incumbent Charlie Smith by the largest margin (votes) ever recorded in Lisbon’s history.  And ‘Evil Eldridge’ touts in his latest monthly garbage report about how he welcomes and takes around each newly elected Town Councilor.  Ask Roger Cote what he got for an introduction?  ZILCH.  

No he got a verbal display of complete arrogance and stupidity by Lisbon’s Police Chief David T. Brooks.  And then he was sent in front of the Town’s Ethics Panel for conduct unbecoming a public official.  The Ethics Panel concluded that if anything was conducted in that fashion that it was done BEFORE he became an ELECTED Official of the Town of Lisbon.   And whom do you think was one of the biggest mouth pieces at the microphone that evening of  February 17, 2009 coming out to support Brooks and his LIES?  The one that is running for Roger Cote’s Town Council position, Lisa Ward.

Would you all like to see another viewing air of that meeting right here on The Lisbon Reporter?  It can happen very easily.  Isn’t this modern technology great or what?

Now here’s a little tidbit of history concerning  “The Lisbon Concerned Citizens” that is very important.  This group was formed by a bunch of citizens that meet  to discuss ways to improve and get out the information to the residents that was not being presented by the Town Officials, nor were letters written to the Sun Journal getting published.  SO this blog, The Lisbon Reporter was launched on July 8, 2008.  At our second meeting,  Todd Comber asked  Lori Pomelow, who was there with her husband David, if she would take notes for the group.  Which she did.  And those notes just so happened to end up in the hands of  Police Chief David T. Brooks for his presentation that he read verbatim many times during his more then two hour audition for Hollywood, as Councilor Cote told him. 

See a connection yet with the issues of Scottsdale Avenue? 

So residents it is up to you to get out and help make changes if you are not satisfied with the current management. 

It seems to me that $7000 for attorney fees as stated by ‘Evil Eldridge’ for Mr. Larry Fillmore’s FOAA requests is quite a bit excessive.

Could it be that there are some other litigating circumstances that the ‘Putz Eldridge’ is not disclosing to YOU, the taxpayer’s of his salary like he should?  He is using Mr. Fillmore as the ‘scapegoat’ when in fact there might be pending grievances filed by some of the Town’s working Unions?

Wake UP People!

1 comment:


Nice job! But I have one slight question, Did you verify all the info her child gave you or did you sit on it for 4 and take bits and pieces of it to benefit you?