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Friday, October 7, 2011

This was something we posted back in 2008... so Lisbon Resident's What Has Changed?

If You Address the "Issues" and "Behavior of Public Officials" In This Town, You Are Not An Engaged Citizen, You Are "Negative"

As we sat and watched the July 15th Town Council Meeting Thursday evening, it became very evident that the Town of Lisbon Advisory Board also feels quite insulted by the actions of the Town Council and the new Town Manager during this past budget season and they have for quite some time now. Mrs. Pomelow stepped forward and explained why she and the Advisory Board felt shunned and disrespected primarily because material was held so not to give them adequate time for review.

Following Mrs. Pomelow's comments, Mr. Cote addressed many of the questions we have been asking and discussing amongst ourselves but have been afraid to address because of fear of retaliation from our grossly over-budgeted police force, which consists of at least 21 full-time officers receiving an average of $50,000 per year in a town that has virtually no crime.

As the meeting progressed the Council did thank the citizens of Lisbon for the great job they did with the Moxie Festival and justly so.

Then Councilor Larochelle made comments that what Mr. Cote had brought up during the Town Council was "negative" and negativity would only raise more negativity. Councilor Larochelle then went on (practically breaking his arm) patting the Town Councilors on the back, for what they had accomplished so far as a Council.

Mr. Larochelle, we are asking you to please tell us what "positive" you would like Mr Cote to speak of? Let's back up to the first of the year:

1. You as Council got rid of Mr Lunt (at least Mr. Lunt did not raise our taxes; are they going up this fall? yes, they are!)

2. You as Council hired an ill equipped town manager that has come into Lisbon with a list of dirty laundry a mile long

3. You as Council have allowed the new Town Manager to follow out the wishes of the Police Chief and fire employees of the town for no good reason after only one month on the job

4. You as Council have allowed the new Town Manager to hire unqualified staff and give that person additional monies not warranted or deserved

5. You as Council have discussed a windmill ordinance without having knowledge of any kind but the generation of hot air over your microphones

6. You as Council have attacked our hard working Recreation Director and the MTM center, even when the citizens disagreed, and would not allow the public a fair opportunity to speak and hear our well respected Recreation Director

7. You as Council have accepted the rude, eye-rolling, condescending way the Chair conducts herself

We ask you again Mr. Larochelle. Please tell us of the positive you speak of with the present Council. The citizens see a much different picture. We see a Town Council that is dancing to the beat of a Police Chief who has become much too comfortable with his role in town politics, is calling the shots behind the scenes, and using his power to intimidate and retaliate against those who stand up to the injustices here in town. Meanwhile, you hired a phony town manager that along with the rest of the Council is suckling the Chairman like a new born.

Mr. Larochelle, open your eyes! Mrs. Pomelow and Mr. Cote are right on and we thank them for having the courage to address these difficult issues and unethical behavior.

The Concerned Citizens of Lisbon 

OK so Councilor Pomelow has been less useful then tits on a boar hog!!!! Imagine That!!!!

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