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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ethics Panel Hearing, Just The Facts


I left the hearing last night in shock.  When I arrived home I went over my letter to the panel, all the documentation to see how I failed the people of Lisbon.  I also went over the meeting in my head and came to the conclusion; I did not fail the people.

During the summation of the evidence gathered, Chief Brooks stated Mrs. Bowie never received any additional compensation for filling in as a dispatcher, or words to that effect.  However, I have an email stating Mrs. Bowie received overtime pay for filling in as a dispatcher.  This can be easily verified.  Since overtime pay is an additional compensation, if true, means Chief Brooks’ statement would be false. 

Also, Mr. Cunningham asked Councilor Bowie how he could be sure members of his audience were aware of Mrs. Bowie involvement in the Lisbon Communication Center, or words to that effect.  Councilor Bowie responded by saying because she worked for the County in the Communication Center, or words to that effect.  Mrs. Bowie’s job description is Administrative Assistant and not Communications Specialist.  These two positions require completely different skill sets which are far reaching making it impossible to connect the dots.  Asking anyone to know what each member of the audience does or does not know about any situation requires speculation and not facts.  It is the intent of the charter to eliminate any speculation.  Requiring Public Officials to divulge a possible/perception of a conflict of interest and/or financial interest prior to speaking on any subject matters ensures each member of the audience has the same level of knowledge and enables them to render a fair evaluation of the Public Official’s input. 

The Ethics Panel’s advisory recommendation is based solely on speculation and not on documented facts.   There were no additional facts presented during the summation of evidence.  I was compelled to provide documented proof and Chief Brooks and Councilor Bowie were allowed to speculate.  This was not a level playing field.

I thought the Ethics Panel would render a fair decision.  I am extremely disappointed in the Ethics Panel.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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