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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Moral Obligations For Lisbon Councilors?

  Lisbon Maine Councilors Moral Obligation

In my opinion Lisbon Councilors should  approach their duties from the level of their lowest income residents. If they rule from a more affluent perspective they will be placing undue hardship on many elderly and low income residents.

  Government should take care of the basic requirements of the community, Police and Fire protection along with Road maintenance,public transportation and the daily administrative duties of the Town. It shouldn't be used to fund special projects that many cannot afford.  If  people want these additional non essential projects they should shoulder the costs themselves. Councilors shouldn't be allowed to pass along the cost of their own desires or that of their friends onto the less fortunate.

 Struggling  taxpayers shouldn't be required to pay for the pet projects of the more affluent Councilors.

 Why should A struggling senior citizen or single parent making 15 or 20 thousand a year be required to pay for a first rate Police Department with all its trappings at the expense of getting their own medications or food. And at the same time be refused basic public transportation because the powers that be don't need the bus service. This is morally criminal. 
Why should a elderly Lisbon resident lose their lifelong home or worse because a Councilor wants kudos for adding a third or forth unnecessary vehicle to any department or some other unneeded expenditure.

A good leader takes into consideration all the ramifications of their decisions..

I hope Lisbon Councilors remember they were voted onto the Council to serve the public not to use the position to improve their own social standing.

Joe Hill

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