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Monday, November 14, 2011

So Bowie Could Be Eliminated and Brooks Could Be Terminated?

 Here's a great write up pertaining to Conflicts of Interest.  Keep In Mind Folks, that Mike Bowie is in a Conflict of Interest Investigation by Lisbon Ethics Panel currently.   Also this will bring the conflict of interest that the Androscoggin County Commissioners will have to deal with as Mrs. Bowie is Chief Brooks personal assistant and Head Dispatcher Communicator.  WOW!!!  No conflict of interest there huh!?!   No wonder Brooks could never catch the right criminals or find the missing $32,500 of the taxpayers money!!!

Lisbon council mulls adding code of ethics

By Darcie Moore, Times Record Staff
Monday, November 14, 2011 2:08 PM EST
LISBON — The Lisbon Town Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday to consider, among other ordinance changes, an amendment that establishes a code of ethics, as well as penalties for violation of the code of ethics.

According to the council’s agenda, councilors are scheduled to conduct a second reading of the proposed amendment to Chapter 12 of town ordinances: Ethics and Conflicts of Interest. As proposed, the amendment adds language to Section 12-1 that states, “The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish standards of ethical conduct for all councilors, Planning Board or committee members, members of appointed board or committees, and town employees by setting forth those acts or actions which are deemed to be in conflict, or which create the appearance of conflict, with the ethical standards of the town of Lisbon.”

The proposed new language also points to provisions in state statute that the municipal amendment would “incorporate into this Code of Ethics by reference to the extent applicable.”

New language proposed for section 12-7 titled “Effect of advisory opinion,” includes penalties for violation of the new code of ethics. For elected officials found to have violated the code by members of their respective council, board or committee, action could range from a letter of reprimand by the chairman to a “censure by a majority of the elected council, board or committee, to a request for resignation from the elected position by a majority of the elected board or committee.”

The same penalties would apply to appointed officials but, in addition, if the board or committee is appointed by the municipal officers, the municipal officers could remove an appointee for cause after notice and a public hearing.

Please continue reading here.

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