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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Maine Business Coalition Responds to Environmental Health Strategy Center Report on Chemicals in Consumer Products‏

Maine Business Coalition Responds to Environmental Health Strategy Center Report on Chemicals in Consumer Products

Augusta, ME—Ben Gilman, Senior Government Affairs Specialist at the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, released the following comment in response to the Environmental Health Strategy Center Report on chemicals reportedly found in consumer products:
“The Maine State Chamber of Commerce and makers of children’s products reconfirm their commitment to safety and their cooperation with the Department of Environmental Protection.  The recent company filings showed very limited presence of Bisphenol-A in children’s products – at levels which pose no risk to children or consumers. The consensus of government scientists is that BPA is safe for use including in food contact materials intended for infants and toddlers. 

The fact that only eight companies filed a report confirms that there is no reason for concern. The marketplace has already addressed this issue, and shows that with cooperation between our business community and our government entities, we can do what is best for both our economy and our citizens.  In fact, many of the companies did not even need to report, but did so out of an abundance of caution and wanting to provide DEP full information for consideration. 

“We are therefore concerned about the continued insistence of the ESHC to grandstand on this issue and pervade fear into the public – when there is no real risk of harm.  We showed during the legislative session that together we can come to reasonable solutions that protect our children and make Maine a business friendly State.  The latest actions by EHSC, defy that spirit of cooperation and once again proves that it is their way or the highway in Maine.  Such extremism is not good for our children, our State, or the future of business in Maine."

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