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Monday, December 12, 2011

Recap of December 6th Town Council Meeting


The last Town Council meeting was the inauguration of the newest members voted into office in our last election.  This event was done very well and all new members, minus Norma Wells, took their oath of office.  Lisa Ward was sworn in and took her place on the Town Council.

In a dramatic turn of events, Councilor LaRochelle was voted in as this year’s Chairman of the Town Council.  Apparently, puppet master Bowie did not have confidence enough in Pomelow for her to become Chairperson.  I totally agree with him since her screw-up with the Council Working Rules and her short temper with residents.  However, Bowie did allow her to remain as Vice Chair.  Congratulations Fern. 

The town received their annual audit presentation and passed with flying colors.  Keep in mind this was not a forensic audit.  Also the audit team does not review the Economic Community Development Department to ensure individuals receiving loans met the criteria for the type of loan received.

The Ethics Panel Chairman David Bowie gave the panel’s summary of findings and recommendation to the Town Council on whether or not there is a conflict of interest with Bowie.  You all know the results and my feelings.  No more needs to be said.

The Town Manager, who never provided on the town web site, the topics he was going to discuss.  It will be impossible to comply with the Councilor Working Rules if the citizens have no idea what is going to be discussed.  Is the new Chair going to force the Town Manager to post his agenda on the town web site or allow the people to address their comments during “Other Business”?  We shall see how Chairman LaRochelle will handle this problem.

Finally, there was two Agenda’s post on the town web site.  One was posted on Friday and the other one was posted on Monday.  It was amazing because Monday’s agenda did not have “Corrected Copy” on it so if you were not paying close attention one would never realize the changes.  A simple act such as putting “Corrected Copy” at the top of the agenda would have eliminated any confusion.  Instead of paralegal training, why not send our people for simple administrative procedures training.  When can the people expect simple administrative procedures to be followed in this town?

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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