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Monday, December 19, 2011

U.S. Government Committed Treason against Citizens - Indefinite Detainment PLUS Rights to Kill

The U.S. government both the Congress and Senate and Obama committed Treason against the U.S. Citizens! The bill 1031 written by Senators McCain and Levin which was part of the Defense Bill for 2012, gives the U.S the right to use the military on U.S. streets and to be able to take and hold a U.S Citizen without rights to a lawyer, trial or charges for the rest of their lives! Besides that Graham on 12/15/11 on the Senate floor disclosed it gave the U.S. Rights to KILL U.S. Citizens also.
To see that portion go here:

The Media has been silent about this! 99% of the American Public does not know about this new law!


BUT another shock is OBAMA IS THE ONE WHO REQUIRED THAT U.S. CITIZENS BE PART OF THE BILL! Video of that disclosure is included in this video.

You do realize this is how the Nazis started.

Proof the FEMA Camps have begun preparing:


Anonymous said...

Committing treason has repercussions - bring them on! Is this the best American can do? Leave traitors in office?

Anonymous said...

Read the piece written by a new writer named Jeanine Molloff. It is titled : Does US Senate Commit Treason with NDAA Bill? It was run in UK Progressive and was one of the earlier pieces.