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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some Things Seem To Never Change In Lisbon

                              LISBON HAS LOST TRANSPARENCY

In a move by the town council to keep the residents in the dark and discourage anyone from making comments at council meetings, the town manager has once again left off several agenda documents from the town web site.

 Lori Pomelow

 Pomelow, who is the author of the Council Working Rules, eliminated citizens from speaking on agenda items prior to having the agenda item explained by the sponsor.  Pomelow had the Audience Participation moved to the top of the agenda and required residents to only speak during this time in order to shorten meetings.  The people were trying to comply with this ridiculous rule by reviewing the agenda documents.  Now the town manager has eliminated some of the agenda documents.  For example, on this week’s agenda we are missing the documentation on Bates College Signage Project Presentation, Lisbon Connection Update, Parks Department Discussion and his own Town Manager’s report.  I can understand not having the Bates College Signage Project Presentation because I believe the representative from Bates College will probably bring the presentation with them.  However, this is the second meeting we have not had the town manager’s report.

 It is extremely difficult to comment on any agenda item without the sponsor explaining why they recommend their course of action but now the public is totally in the dark on agenda items being considered by the town council.  Neither the council nor the town manager want the people of Lisbon to know what wheeling and dealing they are doing.  A prime example of this is under Executive Session as: “Acquisition of real property”.  I wonder who now is losing their property.  Why does this have to be such a mystery?   Also, what can be so secretive about Economic Development in the town of Lisbon that the residents are not allowed to know?

Gina Mason

 Roger Bickford

Do not look to the town government for any transparency in Lisbon.  This is why I had to sue the town for information pertaining to the retirement /rehire of three individuals and information pertaining to all the outstanding loans.  The judge decision came down and all information pertaining to the retirement/rehire and all but three items on the loans was granted.  This cost the town a great deal in legal fees because the town attorney provided poor advice on the retirement/rehire FOAA and again on the loans FOAA.  My lawyer attempted to resolve the issues prior to filing the lawsuit but Therriault and Eldridge would not have any part of it.  Of course, these two individuals do not live in Lisbon or pay any taxes here so what do they care how much it costs the taxpayers.

Wouldn’t it be nice if a taxpayer could understand the reason our taxes are so high?  I am only trying to see how my tax dollars are being spent.  So far there are two outstanding loans which were scheduled to be paid off in 2008 but are still on the books and no one has a clue why.  You would think Scott Benson, Economic Development Director, would know the status of all the outstanding loans in Lisbon.  There is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) but no one follows it. 

I realize, from the turnout at council meetings and the lack of interest in where your tax dollars are being spent, people do not care until they receive their tax bills.  By the time you receive your tax bill, it is way too late for another year.  If you do not do anything about it now, please do not bother showing up once you get your tax bill.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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