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Monday, February 13, 2012

ALERT: Act NOW to Fight Pingree’s Media Takeover‏

It’s finally official: Chellie Pingree and her billionaire husband have become part-owners of the state’s biggest newspaper chain.  The Portland Press Herald announced Friday that Maine’s biggest investor in left-wing electoral politics, Donald Sussman, has ‘loaned’ the Maine Today Media chain between $3 and $4 million, and will now sit on the Board of Directors of the company, which owns the Portland Press Herald, Kennebec Journal, and Morning Sentinel newspapers.
We’ve all known the Left has controlled these newspapers for some time, but now it’s official.  Has there ever been a greater need for an alternative to the legacy media in Maine?
This is exactly why we launched – and why we need your help to expand our efforts to provide real balance to Pingree’s newspapers.  Click here to make a donation to help fuel the only barrier standing between the Left and complete media dominance in Maine – The Maine Wire.
The Maine Wire is less than two months old, but we’ve already made a huge impact. Maine’s newspapers tried to cover up for Dale McCormick and the Maine State Housing Authority, but we pushed harder and harder, uncovering out-of-control spending on things like luxury hotels, political donations, and even massages for staffers. After weeks of media blackout, we finally forced the press to cover this story – and the floodgates have opened.  As a result of our work and your support:
  • The Legislature is working on revamping the MSHA’s governance structure.
  • More than 30 elected officials have asked the Attorney General to investigate.
  • Maine’s government oversight arm expedited its investigation into the Housing Authority.
Now that the average Mainer will get their information through a Chellie Pingree filter, the work we’re doing at The Maine Wire becomes even more important.  
Pingree will say or do almost anything to cover up her record of out-of-control spending, campaign finance abuse, and far-left social experimentation.  It’s clear that she wants to force more government control and squash the free market and personal liberties we all cherish.
We can’t let her newspapers go unchallenged!

Conservatives in Maine need a vehicle to reach the people of this state and ensure they have the facts. The Maine Wire is that vehicle, and we’re asking for your help to expand our capacity and increase our reach.
We’ve exposed the misuse of taxpayer dollars used by Maine State Housing Authority, but there are dozens of other issues that need attention.  Your support today will help hire more reporters and expand our audience.
Please consider making a contribution to help grow The Maine Wire into a true balance to Chellie Pingree’s newspapers.
We launched The Maine Wire thanks to your support, and it’s already made a difference. Imagine how much more impact we could have with your support and participation.
If you agree that we can’t stand by and let a liberal agenda take over Maine’s media, please consider making a donation today.

Thanks for your support,
Lance Dutson
Chief Executive Officer
The Maine Heritage Policy Center

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