Below is a comparison of Department Head salaries between the thriving community of Skowhegan and the Town of Lisbon. Can you tell why Lisbon’s taxes are so high or does a rock have to fall on your head?
Former Councilor Roger Cote has been preaching about the inflation of salaries and no one wanted to listen but here it is in black and white. It is outrageous the cronyism and collusion going on with the Town Council and Town Manager. In this economic crisis, it is a crime against the people of Lisbon to force them to pay these inflated salaries.
Look at all the businesses forced to close in Lisbon. The combination of the economy and taxes are driving them away. This unfortunate situation cannot be turned around until the people take charge of the spending in this town. The facts are the Town of Lisbon has to cut these inflated salaries and to reduce spending in order to reduce taxes. There is no other way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finance Director $39,483. $51,231.
*Partial Year
** Lisbon’s Code Enforcement Officer has nothing to do with the Transfer Station.
*** Was hired in 2010 for $57,000 but only paid $3,173 for 2010.
Skowhegan’s Salary is as of Municipal Budget for Fiscal Year 2012.
Lisbon’s Salary is as of the Annual Report for 2009-2010. Employees received a 1.75% increase for 2011; the Town Engineer received an 8.5% increase; and the Recreation and Fire Chief received a $10,000 increase in their pay for 2011.
Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen
Below is a comparison of Department Head salaries between the thriving community of Skowhegan and the Town of Lisbon. Can you tell why Lisbon’s taxes are so high or does a rock have to fall on your head?
Former Councilor Roger Cote has been preaching about the inflation of salaries and no one wanted to listen but here it is in black and white. It is outrageous the cronyism and collusion going on with the Town Council and Town Manager. In this economic crisis, it is a crime against the people of Lisbon to force them to pay these inflated salaries.
Look at all the businesses forced to close in Lisbon. The combination of the economy and taxes are driving them away. This unfortunate situation cannot be turned around until the people take charge of the spending in this town. The facts are the Town of Lisbon has to cut these inflated salaries and to reduce spending in order to reduce taxes. There is no other way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finance Director $39,483. $51,231.
Assistant Assessor $35,652. $27,861.*
Town Manager $63,000. $86,749.
Code Enforcement/Land
fill Supervisor $62,334. $36,628.**CodeEnf.
Economic & Community
Development Director $45,633. $57,000. ***
Police Chief $60,586. $68,107.
Fire Chief $50,229. $53,403.
General Assistance
Case Worker $12,610. None Listed
Health Officer $1200. None Listed
Waste Water Treatment
Plant Supervisor $56,756. $68570.
Road Commissioner $60,926. $58,742.
Parks $ Recreation
Director $47,074. $39,462.Recreation
$35.354. Parks
Town Engineer None $70.723. *Partial Year
** Lisbon’s Code Enforcement Officer has nothing to do with the Transfer Station.
*** Was hired in 2010 for $57,000 but only paid $3,173 for 2010.
Skowhegan’s Salary is as of Municipal Budget for Fiscal Year 2012.
Lisbon’s Salary is as of the Annual Report for 2009-2010. Employees received a 1.75% increase for 2011; the Town Engineer received an 8.5% increase; and the Recreation and Fire Chief received a $10,000 increase in their pay for 2011.
Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen
But we're cutting to the bone they say. Really?
...that's property taxes from 82 $100K homes in Lisbon. Wow. Just WOW!
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