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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Still Doubting Us TLR Readers? Facts Speak Louder Than Words; Brasscheck: Mystery quakes, lights in the sky, and the Bell Island Boom (1977, 1978, Bell Island Boom, CBC, Clintonville Booms, HAARP, military , tectonic weapons, weather weapons)‏

In the intro to this clip the narrator demonstrates, right off the
bat, that these 'mystery booms' are widespread and ongoing.
Some 34 years ago, mystery booms rattled the east coast so much it
prompted a response from President Jimmy Carter. These booms were
the subject of a late 70's CBC News investigative documentary
called 'The Bell Island Boom'.
If you think wild and paranoid speculation surrounds the
'Clintonville Booms', wait til you here what the Canadian media
thought of 'The Bell Island Boom'.
One has to wonder if these things are related...

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

 The 'Bell Island Boom' still occurring 34 years later 


Last year in Ohio and Indiana...
'Frost quakes' shake Southwest Ohio, Indiana

By Steve Bennish
Dayton Daily News
Friday, February 11, 2011

Frost quakes, a rare phenomena that simulate earthquakes, rattled hundreds of residents Thursday in Darke and Miami counties in Ohio and Randolph County in Indiana, emergency management officials said.

The quake, or cryoseism as it’s known in scientific circles, occurs when moisture soaks into the soil and a quick freeze causes a sudden, even violent expansion and contraction. Darke County’s 911 director Brandon Redmond said the quakes erupted for eight hours Thursday, starting at 1 a.m. The heaviest reports were between 5:30-7:30 a.m.

Redmond, who lives in Arcanum, experienced it Thursday morning in the shower. The shaking of his house caused him to rush out of the bathroom at 7:15 a.m., thinking a transformer exploded nearby. He watched as his lights flickered. “It wasn’t ‘till I came in to work that I realized I hadn’t lost my mind, and I started hearing that other people experienced the same thing,” he said.

Throughout Thursday, hundreds of messages appeared on the Darke County Sheriff’s Facebook page.

Redmond said consultation with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio and Indiana Emergency Management officials led to the frost quake assessment.

There have been no reports of damage, Redmond added, although damage has been reported from other occurrences. The phenomenon has been reported mainly in northern states such as Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts and upstate New York.

Read original here

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