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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Define Better; NaturalNews: Shock video reveals "got milk" celebrities are spearing their lips with pus - here's the proof‏

Dear NaturalNews and The Lisbon Reporter readers,

The non-profit Consumer Wellness Center has just released a shocking new video that exposes the pus cell count in pasteurized (conventional) milk. This video, which I narrated, explains that all the moviestars and celebrities who appear in "got milk" ads are actually showing their lips smeared with PUS from dairy cow infections! Here's my report:

And here's a direct link to the short video:

In another story about the pus cells found in pasteurized conventional dairy products, milk regulators recently rejected a call to make milk cleaner by reducing the "allowable pus cell count." Instead, they kept it at the higher allowable limit of 750,000 pus cells per milliliter of milk, meaning that a typical 8-ounce glass of milk may contain up to 180 million pus cells!

Donald Trump has publicly linked vaccines to autism, and he describes some of his own employees witnessing the shock of an intelligent baby suddenly "going silent" after receiving multiple vaccine injections all at once:

Help stop the USDA from approving "Agent Orange" GMO corn. Details in this article:

Don't miss my recent video interview with Jonathan Emord about the U.S. Supreme Court and Obamacare:

Check out my interview with Chill EB, the artist who created the amazing "Define Better" rap song about the psychiatric drugging of children:

You can catch the full video of his song at:

Today's Feature Stories:

Got a PUStache? Celebrities are smearing their lips with pus to promote pasteurized milk, reveals shocking new video
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Same state regulators that oppose raw milk because of 'safety' concerns voted to reject lowering pus cell count maximums in conventional milk
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Stop the USDA from approving Agent Orange GMO corn by commenting in the Federal Register
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Donald Trump publicly links vaccines to autism
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