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Monday, April 9, 2012

For The Sake Of Our Children; Government Gone Wild: The Imperial Presidency & The "Supreme" Consequence‏

Do we no longer have a "Commander in Chief" in President Obama? Is it possible we now have an "Imperial President"? Check out the new article by GGW contributor Col. Don Myers (USMC, ret). A snippet of the article is below...

This past Monday President Obama challenged the Supreme Court by stating that in effect it did not have the authority to judge “ObamaCare”. His comments were quite specific and challenges arose from...Click HERE to read the rest of the article

In Case You Missed It...What will an Obama second term mean for the people of this nation? If our "Commander in Chief" gets re-elected, the national debt and record deficits may be the LEAST of our worries. This brand NEW GGW video show us a "Supreme" consequence of an Obama second term. This email and video should be forwarded to every voter in this nation! Click the picture below to wach the video.

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