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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lisbon's Municpal Budget Process Boondoogle

Budget Process

After several years of monitoring the politics of Lisbon’s budget process I have come to a very definite realization. We are hopelessly over our heads when it comes to reducing the tax burden in our town.

While cutting a few hundred dollars here and there is a worthwhile endeavor I don’t think it will bring the savings needed to rescue us from another financial fiasco.

We shouldn’t expect our Councilors or the Budget Committee to be able to unravel the intricate nuances of our creative accounting system.This system was devised by experts to hide or shift the true costs of each municipal department.

In order to cut  taxes by any meaningful amount without detrimental consequences, we need the assistance of some of the architects that conceived this system. 

While we may feel helpless by the complicated nature of our budget process we do have an “ace in the hole”. Our Councilors hold the power to "hire and fire" the very people that are holding us hostage in this budget process.

Our Councilors should go to each of the Department heads and tell them Lisbon needs a  20% reduction in their department and request they give us the least painful solution to our budget dilemma.

If we sit back and nickel and dime this budget, we will all be storming the town hall again in September when the new taxes are sent out. Lets be proactive this time and fix this problem now.

Councilors beware.  You only have a few months left to save your legacy.

Joe Hill

1 comment:

Gregg said...

"Our Councilors should go to each of the Department heads and tell them Lisbon needs a 20% reduction in their department and request they give us the least painful solution to our budget dilemma." thats what the Department Heads get paid to do ... they shoudl have a better understanding of thier department than the council or budget committee ... although shouldn't the Town Manager already have done this since thats what he gets paid to do ... hummm ... Outstanding idea Joe