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Friday, April 13, 2012

Recap Town Council Workshop April 10 - Part 1‏


The Council Workshop was extremely enlightening and yielded some very interesting facts. There is definitely going to be a tax increase this year in Lisbon. The only question is how much it is going to be. The town manager has convinced the town council there is a true need for a tax increase and according to his figures he is probably right. However, his recommendations are intended to support a tax increase. Remember, Eldridge does not pay property tax in this town.

The first important fact is Eldridge’s layout of the budget is designed to protect and hide money from the people and to cover-up the excessive spending by Chief Brooks (the person responsible for Eldridge being hired as town manager). Under 01-110, General Government/Contingency is a line item (5227) Grant Match which has a description of “Provides Grant Matching for PD Cruiser Video System $10,000 and furnishing to comply with Federal Grant Funding of equipment for Dispatch $15,000.” 

Both of these items pertain strictly with the Police Department so why aren't these two line items under the Police Department 02-200 Public Safety/Police Department?  

 Brooks and Eldridge are concealing funds. Also Brooks announced a $97,000 grant for Dispatch equipment at one of the last Town Council Meetings that does not have to be matched by the people of Lisbon. Doesn’t this sound screwy to you but it gets better because when you ask the town about this they declare the $15,000 dollars matching funds is for furniture. So that means $30,000 dollars for furniture for one individual in one office. What are you going to buy, a surround sound system, plasma television, pool table, and who can tell what else? Also under 02-202 Public Safety/Communications line item 5415 Furniture and Fixtures there is another $400 dollars requested. Why?

Why is there a line item under 01-115 General Government/Insurance called 5255 Police Liability? This Police Liability pertains solely to the Police Department so why isn’t it under the 02-200 Public Safety/Police Department? Brooks and Eldridge are hiding more dollars from the people to the tune of $8,000 dollars.

Why is under 01-135 General Government/Technology, is the Library Software Mandarain $6,000 and IMC software (Communication Software) agreement for $18,000 listed instead of their respective departments? This is strange because under 02-200 Public Safety/Police Department there is a line item for 5271 Service and Software Agreement but none under 02-202 Public Safety/Communications. There is no software line item under 04-410 Public Service/Library. Why?

Two more line items I need to mention that we have asked in the past and so usual it fell on deaf ears. Why are Hydrant Rental and Street and Traffic Lights listed under 03-315 and 03-320 respectively Public Works? Public Works has absolutely nothing to do with neither of these two line items. These two line items should be under General Government because they pertain to the entire town and not a single department. The reason these line items are under Public Works is so that when the town has to explain the budget, the Police Department budget will not stick out as the money pit that it is.

There are so many minor discrepancies in this proposed budget it is laughable. My very favorite is under the Town Manager/Mileage the description reads and I quote “Provides travel for above listed employees. Amount set per contract - $300p/m plus and addt’l travel.” Are you kidding me; $300 per mile?

Part 2 will explain more of the cover-up and wasting of funds.

If you want to follow the line items simply click on the following link to read for yourselves the entire budget proposed by the town manager.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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