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Friday, April 20, 2012

Thank you Mercuryx80

Peter Reuter
The Lisbon Reporter

I have just completed  the comments from Mercuryx80 pertaining to corruption in a small town. This Lisbon resident was right on the mark with his comments. These are the same items which have been recorded on the Lisbon Reporter ( The staff and the citizens of Lisbon would appreciate you submitting your comments or articles to the Lisbon Reporter also.

You have brought out how very corrupt the management of the town of Lisbon really is. It all starts with Brooks not enforcing the ordinances when it applies to Councilor Pomelow and her husband driving and parking his tractor trailer in Huston Park. Also, both of them blowing thorough the “STOP” sign on Wing Street.

Now let’s move to Councilor Mason and her husband. The Planning Board had to approve a “conditional usage” for Rick to operate his business from their residence. Also, I have been told, the Masons have a garage on 1.5 acres of land which is permitted but they went one step further and added an apartment over the garage which is yet another violation of town ordinances.

Town Manager Eldridge has repeatedly instructed the Code Enforcement Officer, Mike Cote to ignore all these violations. I dare any citizen of Lisbon to ask Eldridge to produce a history of the “Un-designated Funds” account for the town. You know what you would find? You would see where when Eldridge was hired in 2008 there was over three millions dollars in this account and now there is just barely enough to cover the state's mandatory requirement. So tell us Mr. Town Manager where is all our money?

Remember, Brooks when he was Interim Town Manager recommended Eldridge for the position of Town Manager. I guess you can see who is really running this town. 

If you were to review the makeup of the council, you see how much allegiance is owed to Brooks. 

Let me explain fully. Bowie's wife last year received a $13,000 + increase in her salary without the council’s approval; Ward is cozy with Brooks through past involvement with some of the extra programs the Lisbon Police Department offers; LaRochelle has done and does repair work for police vehicles and operates a towing service utilized by LPD; Pomelow  and Mason signed their respective oath of offices knowing fully well they were in violation of the town ordinances by operating a business out of their residence which is a violation of Maine Statute 456 Tampering with public Records or information which is a Class D crime. I hope no one in this town expect Brooks to enforce Maine law. This just adds to the list of corruption in Lawless Lisbon. Bickford, was recruited by Dale Crafts to play along and is too afraid to stand on his own. And Lunt, one has to wonder if he just was trying to protect the image of his father, former Town Manager Curt Lunt.  So now you see how things are intertwined in town.

Mercuryx80, please join our staff and help educate the citizens of Lisbon and hopefully restore this community back to the pre-Eldridge era when “A great place to live and do business.” was not just a slogan on a sign but was a way of life here.

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