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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Values Voter US Senate Candidate Forum to be held in Bangor on April 24‏

The Christian Civic League, Concerned Women for America, and Maine Right to Life are hosting a Values Voter US Senate Candidate Forum on April 24 at 7 pm at Bangor Baptist Church at 1476 Broadway.

So far, Bruce Poliquin, Debra Plowman, Charlie Summers, and a Representative for Scott D’Amboise have confirmed their place.

“Maine Christians will vote in record numbers this fall.  They want to know the candidate’s position on issues that are important to us like natural marriage, life, religious freedom, and family values,” said Carroll Conley, Jr., Executive Director of the Christian Civic League.

For more information please contact Carroll Conley at or call (207) 659-6447.

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