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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Should Lisbon Taxpayer's Continue To PAY For 'The Good Old Boy's' Corruption?


The town of Lisbon is in quite a quandary created by the “Good Old Boy” policy. The Planning Board is now in a no win situation and even AVCOG cannot recommend a solution. Some citizens were denied the right to operate a business out of their residence and others were allowed. This is called discrimination. 

There are small businesses all over town operating out of their residences but in clear violation of the town ordinances. 

Management acknowledges these businesses by collecting personal property taxes and ignoring the violations of town ordinances. Management is ONLY interested in collecting revenue and helping out their friends.

The Code Enforcement Officer has been told several times to leave these business owners alone and ignore the town ordinances. Because of the proposed Comprehensive Plan changes to Route 9, all of these businesses have been exposed. Even a member of the Planning Board, had a hand in shutting down his competition. This was a clear abuse of his power but was acceptable behavior by management. The powers to be take care of their own and their friends.

The Planning Board is in a box and the only way out of this situation is to enforce the ordinances of the town equally by shutting down all of these illegal businesses. This is the ONLY course of action available because if the Planning Board continues to allow these businesses to operate then the citizens who were ordered to shut down their businesses will be able to file a Class Action law suit against the town for discrimination. This would be an open and shut case and the residents of Lisbon will have to pay dearly for management utilizing the “Good Old Boy” policy.

It is unfortunate these business owners have put time and money into their businesses knowing the whole time the businesses were in violation of the town ordinances. These owners were probably assured they would be protected from being closed by management since the Town of Lisbon is operated on favoritism. These owners knew the consequences of their action but were willing to accept the risk. The Chief of Police and the Town Manager dictate who can and cannot violate the law and the town ordinances. This is obvious by the enforcement or rather lack of enforcement of the laws and our town ordinances.

The policy of begging for forgiveness rather than asking permission has to cease immediately. Enforcement of the law and town ordinances must be applied equally for all citizens. No longer should law abiding citizens be made to suffer while the good old boys are allowed to prosper. I know it is hard to close all the illegal businesses but it is the right thing to do. This town can no longer afford to allow management to selectively break the law and provide preferential treatment to certain individuals. It is imperative all laws and ordinances be applied equally to all citizens of Lisbon because this is true justice for all.

As hard as it is to swallow, in order to restore Lisbon back to law and order, someone must suffer and in this case it HAS to be the owners of these illegal businesses rather than law abiding citizens. These business owners knew they were wrong and ran the risk of being discovered. It would be totally unjust to penalize law abiding residents any further.

It is clear who is at fault for creating this no win situation and that is the management of this town and until the people of Lisbon get rid of the Town Manager this type of situation will continue to be the norm. This is a travesty of justice and the citizens should never be subjected to this type of behavior. A court case will cost the taxpayers a great deal of money for something management created.

Why should the taxpayers of Lisbon have to pay for a corrupt administration?

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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