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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Don’t believe the “Smoke and Mirrors” act from our Town Councilors

The Golden Hour

In emergency medicine, the golden hour refers to a time period lasting from a few minutes to several hours following  a traumatic injury.  How a patient is treated in the golden hour very often dictates the patients degree of recovery or in some cases whether they live or die.

This added minute or two may not seem long to you, but I assure you if you can’t breath and are desperately waiting for the paramedic that minute will seem like forever.

Lisbon has been presented with an opportunity to decrease the response time in  that critical golden hour.  The only question is will Lisbon take advantage of this opportunity or will they stubbornly insist we keep our duplicate dispatch function and  refuse to improve and modernize.

If we couple Mr. Fellows recent 10% across the board budget cut with the elimination of the Lisbon duplicate dispatch function, we could give Lisbon taxpayers their first real tax cut in years.   This is a real “Win Win”  situation.

I hope the Town Councilors will allow Lisbon residents the benefit of better response times and a much needed tax cut.

Don’t believe the “Smoke and Mirrors” act from our Town Councilors,  the County Commissioners didn’t.

Joe Hill

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