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Monday, May 21, 2012

Hey Govn'ah, Have A LOOK - SEE: Open Letter To Maine Governor LePage "Get Off The Couch" and Help Lisbon Citizens


Dearest Governor LePage,

We, Lisbon Concerned Citizens are writing this letter to you to not 

only inform you of Information that YOU as Governor of the State 

of Maine need to know, but are also asking you, “To Get Off The 

Couch” and help “WE” Citizens in Lisbon. We are quite familiar 

with your Political connections to the Crafts family in Lisbon and 

fully realize that they were Big supporters in your Election 


But What you don't know, and we can provide more information 

for you, is that Legislative Representative for District #104, DALE 

CRAFTS, has been DIRECTLY involved with unscrupulous 

actions as a duly elected Public Official when he was a Lisbon 

Town Councilor. He has LIED about activities he was involved in. 

He has used the Internet to belittle and harass former town 

employees that were trying to bring forth the FACTUAL 

INFORMATION to the Public in a FRAUD investigation involving 

STATE and FEDERAL FUNDS. All to be COVERED UP by high 

ranking  STATE OFFICIALS, previous to your taking office.

Now let's get right to this writing. The TOWN of LISBON'S 


changing, cheating, or flagrantly under-collecting fees for the 

STATE of MAINE for several years now. There are two town 

councilors that know about this but yet nothing is done and it still 

continues. One has contacted the STATE BUREAU of 

TAXATION, and reported this information only to be told that

“We do not have funding to go after such infractions”

Governor LePage, you seem readily eager to make some changes 

in the financial woes of the STATE  and we would just like you to 

understand that LISBON has been CHEATING the STATE with 

their share of OBLIGATED TAXES DUE.

Won't you find a way to conduct a forensic audit in Lisbon and HELP US OUT?


 Lisbon Concerned Citizens

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