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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

LIES, LIEING, LIARS We Are ALL Victims; IMVA: Seismologist Casts a Shadow

Posted by Mark Sircus - Director

(Photo by Sam Eaton)

University of Tokyo seismologist Shinichi Sakai has very bad news for the human race. Sakai is a prominent Japanese seismologist who is predicting a major earthquake to hit Tokyo soon.
He rattled nerves in Japan when he declared there was a 70% chance of a major earthquake in or around Tokyo in the next four years. Government scientists have already proclaimed a similar risk, but over a longer timeframe. When it comes to our nuclear future this is bad news, for whenever the next major quake hits that general area there is a high chance of building No. 4 coming down in a fireball of spent nuclear fuel.
After all Japan is one of the most seismically-active countries in the world.
Sakai says there’s been a fivefold increase in small tremors around Tokyo since the huge quake off Japan’s northeast coast in March last year that destroyed Fukushima, leading to the worst nuclear disaster ever.
This fivefold increase adds up to a mathematical omen for Sakai who, with the help of the University’s Earthquake Research Institute, crunched the new numbers and came up with a shocking prediction: “There’s a 70% chance a major earthquake will hit Tokyo within the next four years.” Sakai and his colleagues are among the country’s leading seismic authorities, so the prediction itself gave Japan a jolt.

Read more.

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