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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lisbon Town Council Recap - May 15th‏


I wish to start this article off by apologizing to the readers for the delay in getting this recap out to you. This is a very difficult article for me to write and I will explain as we go along. This meeting had no real significant events on the agenda but did have some interesting events.

I brought out during Audience Participation about the fact the council had voted on two motions at the last town council meeting (May 1st) pertaining to the Lisbon Communications Center. These two motions were not part of the Agenda Documentation and therefore there was no Audience Participation on this subject. However, there should be no motions voted on without the citizens of Lisbon having the opportunity to provide input. To complicate the issue even more there was no video of Chief Brooks’ presentation or the motions for the Public to review.

During the Audience Participation Response, Chairman Larochelle commented about the council trying to do what is best for the town of Lisbon. I have always maintained these councilors are only receiving half of the information on every significant issue. Eldridge, Brooks and Bowie ensure the information provided to the council is their slanted portion of the issue. All of the facts are never presented to the council so these councilors vote on just the information they have been told and therefore these decisions are based on half facts tainted one way instead of reviewing all the facts prior to any vote.

Chairman Larochelle then stated the Financial Director would respond to questions pertaining to the budget I had previously asked. Mrs. Maloy proceeded to give me a tongue lashing about comments I had about not being able to receive two numbers the same from the town. This is why this is difficult for me to respond to since Jessica and my oldest daughter went to school together and the families are close. I have, on numerous occasions, explained to Jessica I have no problems with her or her department. I have always thought of Jessica Maloy as a friend. I fully understand the tough situation she was placed in by the response Eldridge and Bowie gave her upon completion of her reading this script. It was very clear who was behind this.

It is and always will be the towns’ position to attack the character of any individual who challenges their authority. Look at the attack on Councilor Cote by Chief Brooks several years ago. Also, this tongue lashing never addressed the real issue I had asked. Was the Undesignated Account under the 12.5 percentage balance? I noticed Bowie mentioned moving the $8,200.00 previously taken from this account to pay for the demolishing of the building at 3 Village Street around. 

The question still remains unanswered. 

The fact the ordinance states “strives” is a legal term to keep individuals from being prosecuted. Section D states “This policy has been adopted by the town to recognize the financial importance of a stable and sufficient level of the undesignated fund balance. However, the town, reserves the right to appropriate funds from the undesignated fund balance for emergencies and other requirements the town believes to be in the best interest of the town.” Remember in 2008 when Eldridge took over there was over three (3) million dollars in this account and now it is at $1,184,499.00 as of June 30, 2011. The only time this account is checked on is during the yearly audit.
Mrs. Maloy has always conducted herself as a professional and I respect her and her staff. I hope Jessica and I can remain friends and put this behind us.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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